Grand Challenges For Engineering
In 2007, Irucka Ajani Embry, EIT submitted his Grand Challenges for Engineering [2007 Web site] {Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine} (below, although recently revised) to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He also created this LibreOffice Impress presentation to outline his current views on the Grand Challenges as a paradigm shift, see ReThink, ReFeel and ReImagine Engineering — [Requires PDF Software].
What are the grand challenges for engineers?
Engineers, today and in the future, need to fully examine our design & construction processes to determine the impacts (both positive and negative on all life forms) for the next 7 generations as a guiding principle (source: the Iroquois Confederation & Seven Generations Ahead).
Principle Declarations 2007
- We must reclaim our humanity through creatively imagining the future with everyone (every being on this planet is a stakeholder — not only our clients, employers, and local ecosystems and local human communities).
- We must change our engineering foundations from Newtonian/Cartesian thinking (mechanical-based, disconnected, separate, reductionist analytical theories and laws) to integrative and complementary, fluid, circular, holistic living systems-based, connected, conceptual theories and laws. We can not change the world for the better until we change the way that we view the world.
- We must choose peace and not war. We must decide to use our intelligence to create a peaceful, fair, just, and humane world. We have participated way too long in Wars where we systematically kill ourselves, therefore we must begin the process of healing and saving ourselves. We must support and engage in research efforts that enhance everyone’s humanity, imagination, creativity, and overall well-being.
- We must support ethics by not condoning corruption and other unethical behaviors in our business dealings, pursuits, research, etc.
- We must examine our design and construction processes through life cycle ecological & temporal synthesis (geologic time constraints, internal and external costs, ecosystem health impact, human health impact, overall global impacts - biogeophysicochemical cycles, etc.) rather than life cycle analysis.
- We must develop frameworks similar to the Cradle to Cradle framework created by the MBDC.
- We must develop energy effective rather than energy efficient products (source: McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC)).
- We must work with the general public better because solving the world’s problems and avoiding creating future problems requires working in true interdisciplinary teams.
- We must continue research efforts in the field of biomimicry. (source: Internet Archive: Viktor Schauberger — Comprehend and Copy Nature by Franz Fitzke & Biomimicry Institute)
- We must uphold ecological health systems [ecosystem health & human health (biological, economic, emotional, social, spiritual) in our top lines rather than our bottom lines (source for triple top lines: McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC)).
I ask that those scientists and engineers that have not signed the following online pledge and petition to sign them in order for us to actualize our commitment to a better world:
- Los Alamos Study Group Scientists’ and Engineers’ Pledge To Renounce Weapons of Mass Destruction (online pledge)
- the design, development, testing, production, maintenance, targeting, or use of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons or their means of delivery;
- research or engineering that I have reason to believe will be used by others to do so.
I pledge never to participate in —
or in
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Engineer’s Charter
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE): Code of Ethics for Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Code of Ethics
Principle Declarations 2024
- How do we design for Abundance? Why should we design for Abundance?
- How do we create designs that prevent problems rather than merely addressing or solving them while creating new problems at the same time?
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Advanced Technologies and Strange Events — [Requires PDF Software]
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Advanced Weapon Systems & Targeted Assassinations
- Los Alamos Study Group: We call for sanity, not nuclear production
- Los Alamos Study Group: The Call for Nuclear Disarmament
- Where Did the Towers Go?: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11
- Dr. Judy Wood: The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues
- Science in Society Archive: Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: A weapon system that operates at the speed of light, that can kill, torture, enslave and escape detection. Harlan Girard (ISIS Report 24/01/06)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Climate Strange (Global Cooling, Global Warming, Solar Variability, Climate Change, Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP and other related technologies, Weather Warfare/Modification, Blocking Positive Energy/Contacts, Blocking Positive Energy/Information from our Sun, etc.)
- Journal of Borderland Research: Weather Control [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Geoengineering Watch
- Top British Climate Scientist Acknowledges Ongoing Geoengineering Interventions By James Hodgskiss, Global Research, October 31, 2015/Chemtrails Project UK 17 October 2015
- Climate Change, Geoengineering and Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 22, 2014/Global Research 18 November 2013
- Science in Society Archive: Unintended Hazards of Geoengineering: Reducing the solar radiation that reaches Earth will have potentially significant consequences beyond limiting the mean temperature of the planet; it may reduce annual rainfall, especially in the Americas and northern Eurasia Prof. Peter Saunders (ISIS Report 23/07/12)
- Science in Society Archive: Skyhook to Save the Climate?: Geoengineering, like banking, can affect the whole world, and again like banking, has no international regulation, which is urgently needed. Prof. Peter Saunders (ISIS Report 26/09/11)
- Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails: A Review of the “Case Orange” report by Rady Ananda, Global Research, July 30, 2010
- Science in Society Archive: Atmospheric Geoengineering: Anonymous report confirms climate and weather manipulation experiments conducted by the US and its allies over the past decades Julian Rose, (ISIS Report 20/09/10)
- Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare: ‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 20, 2013/The Ecologist, December 2007, Global Research 7 December 2007
- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- University of Alaska Fairbanks: High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP
- Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation (ESEC): HAARP — U.S. Patent 4,686,605 [Recovered with the Webpage archive]
- Federation of American Scientists (FAS): HAARP: Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves
- Federation of American Scientists (FAS): Title: Russian parliament concerned about US plans to develop new weapon: Document Number: FBIS-SOV-2002-0808, Document Date: 08 Aug 2002, Division: Russia, North America, Subdivision: Russia, United States, Sourceline: CEP20020808000087 Moscow Interfax in English 1009 GMT 8 Aug 02, Citysource: Moscow Interfax, Language: English
- HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare By Fred Burks, Global Research, July 23, 2013/Global Research and 1 August 2010
- Nine Years ago, The Tsunami: Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster: Washington was aware that a deadly Tidal Wave was building up in the Indian Ocean By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 30, 2013/Global Research 29 December 2004
- The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 12, 2014/Global Research 27 September 2004Global Research 27 September 2004
- Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change: The manipulation of climate for military use By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 12, 2013/5 December 2009
- From The Wilderness Publications: H.A.A.R.P.: It’s not only greenhouse gas emissions: Washington’s new world order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change By Michel Chossudovsky - Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa and TFF associate, author of The Globalization of Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- EcoC²S
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Online Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Resources for a Healthier You (Resources to help us take responsibility back to heal ourselves and each other)
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Online Resources: Health & Wellness
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Online Resources: What Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Synthetic “Biology,” Cloning, Nanotechnology, High-Technology (High Tech), Conventional Renewable Energy Technologies (“Solar,” Geothermal, Wind, etc.), and Related Technologies are missing
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): The Study of Water (Hydrology)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: QUP Collection of Resources
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Survival, DIY (Do-it-Yourself), Homesteading, Beyond Scientism to Real Science, Benevolent Weather Modifying, Renewable Energy, Free Energy/Zero Point Energy, Levitation/Anti-Gravity, Earth Healing, Earth Spirits, Dowsing, Geomancy, Ancient Mysteries, Re-Examining the Histories of Humanity, Extra-Terrestrials/Aliens, Inter-/Intra-Dimensional Beings, etc.
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Schooling/Prison and Education/De-Schooling, etc.
- International Living Future Institute
- Blinded By Science By Matthew Silverstone
- Aether Force: Living Science
- Skeptiko: Science at the Tipping Point
- Skeptiko Forum: Intelligent Discussion on Science and Spirituality
- Skeptiko Forum: Why Science Is Wrong… About Almost Everything: Discussion of topics and interviews related to the book, Why Science is Wrong… About Almost Everything
- The Epoch Times: Three Fundamental Limitations of Modern Science (Part 1): As much as modern science has been making great advances, it has also been discovering its limitations. By Du Won Kang
- The Epoch Times: Three Fundamental Limitations of Modern Science and Their Common Issues (Part 2): A Limitation in Formal Logic By Du Won Kang [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- The Epoch Times: Three Fundamental Limitations of Modern Science and Their Common Issues (Part 3): Philosophy can just as well critically study the nature of science, art, and morality. By Du Won Kang
- The Epoch Times: Three Fundamental Limitations of Modern Science and Their Common Issues (Part 4): Modern science has influenced and was influenced by development of technology, economics, methods of war, and culture. By Du Won Kang
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Scientism (False Science) is Lame
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Skeptical About Science & Skeptic of Skeptics (Follow the Money)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Big Bang Theory
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Plate Tectonics & the Hollow Earth
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Darwinism (the False Theory of Evolution)
- The Frontier Science Web: Exploring the Energy Revolution [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Borderlands: The Crossroads of Science & Spirit: Seeing beyond the borders of perception!
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation: Borderland Sciences Research Catalog
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation: Borderland Sciences Research Projects
- Round Robin & Journal of Borderland Research
- The Borderland Experimenter
- Sacred geometry: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Enter the World of Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Geometry from lightSOURCE
- Crystalinks: Sacred Geometry, Golden Ratio, Nature, Art, Music, Cosmology, Consciousness and Reality
- The Library of Halexandria: Sacred Geometry
- Lucky Mojo: Sacred geometry -- What Is It?
- Sacred Geometry
- Institute of HeartMath
- How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works by Manfred Davidmann
- Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Institute, Kolkata
- Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose: His Life and Speeches by Jagadis Chandra Bose at Project Gutenberg
- Response in the Living and Non-Living by Jagadis Chandra Bose at Project Gutenberg
- Bruce Lipton Video, Audio, Books, Articles, and More
- Masaru Emoto’s Website / オフィス・マサル・エモト — 「水からの伝言」と「新しい水の科学」
- Masaru Emoto’s Hado World
- Vogel-cut Crystals: The Legacy of Marcel Vogel
- Learning Creative Habits from Leonardo Da Vinci: Habits of a Creative Artist, Scientist, Inventor
- Science in Society Archive: Original Artworks
- Science in Society Archive: Science in Society Archive [formerly the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS)]
- Science in Society Archive: Towards a Biospheric Ethic: Modern moral philosophers have tended to study ethics in a void, ignoring the insights of the natural and human sciences. Some eminent scholars have sought to put this right; but based their ethical principles on a grossly distorted view of nature and human society, resulting in a ‘technospheric’ ethic that seeks to equate progress and the moral good with economic expansion and the dominance of man over nature. A new ‘biospheric’ ethic is required to mediate sustainable human behaviour in relationship to society, the ecosystem, the biosphere and the cosmos itself. Edward Goldsmith (In fond memory) [ISIS Essay 31/08/09]
- Science in Society Archive: To Science with Love: How science and scientists can contribute to the sustainability agenda by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (Seminar on Responsibility and Education in a Risk Society, 16 April, 2002 London, organised by the government-funded Learning and Skills Development Agency, and intended for policy-makers and others responsible for post-16 education.)
- Rupert Sheldrake
- The Tiller Foundation — Intention Science by Tiller — Bringing You The Power Of Intention
- The Buckminster Fuller Institute
- The Buckminster Fuller Institute Definitions and Resources
- DYMAXION: Buckminster Fuller’s Dream Restored: A documentary by Noel Murphy
- Dymaxion car: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Borderlands: Cosmos
- Science in Society Archive: Cosmology
- A voice for the Electric Universe
- Revolution-Green: Green Energy News
- PESWiki (Pure Energy Systems Wiki): The community-built resource that focuses on alternative, clean, practical, renewable energy solutions.
- Veterans Today: Technology to Reduce Dependence on Oil has Been Known For More Than 200 years by Byron Wine & Posted by Johnny Punish, March 31st, 2010
- Tesla Memorial Society of New York Website
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation: Tesla Technology, Journal of Borderland Research
- Teslas for Sustainable Society: Building Sustainability Through Education and Awareness
- American Antigravity
- Viktor Schauberger
- Internet Archive: Viktor Schauberger — Comprehend and Copy Nature by Franz Fitzke
- Simply Living Water with Sulis Health
- World Living Water Systems Ltd.: The Magic & Majesty Of Water By Callum Coats, First published April 1997 in Nexus Magazine
- Biomimicry Institute
- Seven Generations Ahead
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Beyond Sustainability Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Sustainable Science Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Science and Sustainability Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Ethics and Sustainable Business Resources
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Sustainability: The Transformative Solutions to the Crisis in Perception
- Second Nature: Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Society
- Center for Ecoliteracy: Education for Sustainable Living
- C2C-Centre: The gateway for Cradle to Cradle® knowledge, expertise and professionals
- McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC)
- Design for the Triple Top Line: New Tools for Sustainable Commerce By William McDonough & Michael Braungart, 1 January 2002
- Design for the Triple Top Line: A New Definition of Quality by William McDonough & Michael Braungart for green@work, 2003
- Toward a Future of Energy Effectiveness by William McDonough, Talking Point (BP), 2003
- The Robots’ Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. ISBN# 978-1-85860-022-2
- Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More. David Icke. ISBN# 978-0-9559973-1-0
- The Perception Deception: Or … It’s ALL Bollocks — Yes, ALL of It…. David Icke. ISBN# 978-0-9559973-8-9
- SEVEN SEEDS for a New Society. Sharif Abdullah. ISBN# 978-0-578-03252-8
- Creating a World That Works for All. Sharif Abdullah. ISBN# 1-57675-062-0
- The Power of One: Authentic Leadership in Turbulent Times. Sharif Abdullah. ISBN# 0-86571-325-1
- Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. ISBN# 978-0-615-41256-6
- Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine. Jonathan Eisen. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0
- Suppressed and Incredible Inventions. John Freeman. ISBN# 978-0-7873-1091-2
- Suppressed Inventions and How They Work. Michael Halsey Brown. ISBN# 978-0-87947-307-5
- Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s “Ideal Flying Machine” and the Conspiracy to Conceal It. William Lyne.
- The Energy Evolution: Harnessing Free Energy From Nature. Viktor Schauberger. ISBN# 978-1-85860-061-1
- Energy Abundance Now: A Brief History of Man’s Quest for Energy: A New Energy Reference Book with a Practical Guide of Working Devices You Can Build: CD-ROM Included. Brian H. Berrett. ISBN# 1-42761-798-8
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- Ancient Inventions. Peter James and Nick Thorpe. ISBN# 978-0-345-40102-1
- When the Earth Nearly Died: Compelling Evidence of a World Cataclysm 11,500 Years Ago. D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair. ISBN# 1-85860-008-1
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- Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology. Miranda Lundy, Anthony Ashton, Jason Martineau, Daud Sutton and John Martin. ISBN# 978-0-8027-7813-0
- Sacred Number: The Secret Quality of Quantities. Miranda Lundy. ISBN# 978-0-8027-1456-5
- Drawing Geometry: A Primer of Basic Forms for Artists, Designers, and Architects. Jon Allen. ISBN# 978-0-86315-608-3
- Matrix of Creation: Sacred Geometry in the Realm of the Planets. Richard Heath. ISBN# 978-0-89281-194-6
- The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth. John Michell.
- Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code. Stephen Skinner. ISBN# 978-1-40276-582-7
- Patterns of Eternity: Sacred Geometry and the Starcut Diagram. Malcolm Stewart. ISBN# 978-0-86315-712-7
- Sacred Geometry. Miranda Lundy. ISBN# 978-0-8027-1382-7
- Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice. Robert Lawlor.
- The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water. Viktor Schauberger. ISBN# 978-1-85860-048-2
- Flowforms: The Rhythmic Power of Water. John Wilkes. ISBN# 978-0-86315-392-1
- The Hidden Messages in Water. Masaru Emoto. Translated by David A. Thayne. ISBN# 0-7432-8980-3
- Blinded by Science. Matthew Silverstone. ISBN# 978-0-9568656-0-1
- In The Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order. Ian T. Taylor. ISBN# 978-1-882510-15-3
- The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality. Michael Talbot. ISBN# 978-0-06-201410-8
- The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives. Stanislav Grof, M.D. with Hal Zina Bennett. ISBN# 978-0-06-250659-7
- Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution. William A. Tiller, Ph.D. ISBN# 978-142433-8
- Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation. Rupert Sheldrake. ISBN# 978-1-59477-317-4
- Living Rainbow H2O. Mae-Wan Ho. ISBN# 978-981-439089-7
- The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms. Mae-Wan Ho. ISBN# 978-981-283260-3
- The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision. Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi. ISBN# 978-1-10701-136-6
- The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living. Fritjof Capra. ISBN# 978-0-385-49472-4
- The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems. Fritjof Capra. ISBN# 978-0-385-47676-8
- The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. Fritjof Capra. ISBN# 978-1-59030-835-6
- The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature. David Suzuki with Amanda McConnell & Adrienne Mason. ISBN# 978-1-55365-166-6
- Wisdom of the Elders: Sacred Native Stories of Nature. David Suzuki and Peter Knudtson. ISBN# 978-0-553-37263-2
- Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. Janine M. Benyus. ISBN# 978-0-06-053322-9
- The Science of Leonardo: Inside the Mind of the Great Genius of the Renaissance. Fritjof Capra. ISBN# 978-1-40007-883-7
- Learning from Leonardo: Decoding the Notebooks of a Genius. Fritjof Capra. ISBN# 978-1-60994-989-1
- How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day. Michael J. Gelb. ISBN# 978-0-440-50827-4
- Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work. Lloyd Steven Sieden. ISBN# 0-7382-0379-3
- Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World. Alan Weisman. ISBN# 978-1-60358-056-4
- The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability--Designing for Abundance. William McDonough and Michael Braungart. ISBN# 978-0-86547-748-3
- Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. William McDonough and Michael Braungart. ISBN# 978-0-86547-587-8
- Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution. Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. ISBN# 978-1-84407-170-8
- Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. ISBN# 978-0-316-35300-7