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The following resources are provided for reference purposes only. Their inclusion on this Web page, created by EcoC²S/Irucka Embry, does not represent any endorsement on the part of EcoC²S/Irucka Embry nor does it represent their endorsement of EcoC²S/Irucka Embry. The use of any of the listed software libraries, programs, tools, etc. and the interpretation of any results obtained remains the responsibility of the user. As well, the use of any of the resources and the interpretation of any results obtained remains the responsibility of the user. {This disclaimer is a revised version of the one found online at Internet Finite Element Resources (IFER) [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine].}

Edible & Medicinal Plants (Medical Herbs) and Medical/Healing/Remedy/Health Disclaimer Edible & Healing Plants (Healing Herbs) and Health/Healing Remedy Disclaimer

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The information provided on this Web page with regards to edible & medicinal plants (medical herbs) and medical/healing is provided for educational purposes only. The information provided through the various resources on this Web page are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It is not the intention of EcoC²S/Irucka Embry to advise on health care. Information anywhere on this site does not constitute medical advice. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns that you have.

These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. Information on this Web site is not to be treated as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider. If you are suffering from a medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. Never disregard, discontinue, or delay medical treatment or advice because of information on this Web site. Information on this Web site is not guaranteed to be accurate.

This information is intended as an introduction to edible & medicinal plants and how they can be used. I am not a medical professional and I cannot prescribe what edible and/or medicinal plants are right for you. I cannot answer medical questions so please do not ask me to tell you which edible plants to consume, eat, drink, use, etc.; to tell you which medicinal plants to consume, eat, drink, use, etc.; to prescribe herbal cures; to provide medical treatment; and/or to guess what is wrong with you.

If you use edible & medicinal plants, then please do so responsibly. It is important to know whether the edible plant can be eaten raw or cooked; which parts of the plant can and cannot be eaten; when can the plant be eaten (young, mature, old, spring, fall, summer, winter, etc.); etc. Consult your doctor about your health conditions and use of medicinal plant supplements (medical herbs). Medicinal plants (medical herbs) may be harmful if taken for the wrong conditions, used in excessive amounts, combined with prescription drugs or alcohol, and/or used by persons who don’t know what they are doing. Just because a medicinal plant (medical herb) is natural it does not mean it is safe! There are herbs that are poisonous such as Poison Hemlock, Jimson weed, and many more. {This disclaimer is based on the Alternative Nature Online Herbal Web site’s Disclaimer; Web site Disclaimer; and Coconut Oil Tips Web site Disclaimer}.

Printable Health Resources

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Encouraging people to learn about “Becoming a Healthier You” {Resource guide provided by EConsulting™ and EcoC²S} — [Requires PDF Software]

Universal View of Health

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Levels of Influence in the Universal Reality Impacting the Health of the 'Individual' Self

Our health is directly and/or indirectly influenced by the following levels:

Most of the above content is modified from “Untitled: Controlled thoughts of random interactions…” out of Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture By Irucka Ajani Embry. Pages 244-245. ISBN# 978-0-9914994-0-3 {Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP), 2014].

Consult the following links for useful resources that discuss those phenomena and more:

Health Quotes

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“Honor your body, which is your representative in this universe. Its magnificence is no accident. It is the framework through which your works must come; through which the spirit and the spirit within the spirit speaks. The flesh and the spirit are two phases of your actuality in space and time. Who ignores one, falls apart in shambles. So it is written…”

—From the Sumari text, The Sacred Script of the Covenant [Quoted in Vithoulkas, George. The Science of Homeopathy. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1980. Page 8.]

“The human body is an energy complex that generates all forms of familiar energies—electric, magnetic, thermal, kinetic and electromagnetic—which can easily be detected by simple devices of which the most sophisticated is the electroencephalograph. But there are also other types of subtle energies that have not yet been defined and which can relate primarily to the mental, emotional and instinctual levels of the human being.”

—George Vithoulkas, A New Model for Health and Disease: Suggesting an Explanation for the Explosion of: AIDS, Cancer, Asthma, Candida, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergic Conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome New Expanded Edition. North Sporades, Greece: International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, 2008. Page 42. ISBN# 1-55643-087-6

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles” (1992) By Marianne Williamson; Source: Wikiquote: Marianne Williamson

“To love well is the task in all meaningful relationships, not just romantic bonds.”

—bell hooks, bell hooks, ground­breaking feminist thinker, dies at 69. Also archived at

“No fear, Only Love! 🤗

—Irucka Ajani Embry, 15 March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

“Health is not a spectator sport.”

—Obiora Embry

“Love yourself to heal yourself.”

—Irucka Embry

“Love thySelf unconditionally.”

—Irucka Ajani Embry in “Untitled: Apologetically Urse” from Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture

“it’s okay to love onseLf unconditionally so tHat U truly know U & can recognize the embedded healing & curing aspects & properties buried with-in U & Eye (all of us]”

—Irucka Ajani Embry in “Untitled: Prosaically delineating fortuitous gifts of virtue in a familial tonality” from Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture

“Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, a state of well being; freedom from passion on the emotional plane, resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth. A truly healthy individual should therefore combine both divine qualities of Love and Wisdom.”

—George Vithoulkas, A New Model for Health and Disease: Suggesting an Explanation for the Explosion of: AIDS, Cancer, Asthma, Candida, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergic Conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome New Expanded Edition. North Sporades, Greece: International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, 2008. Page 66. ISBN# 1-55643-087-6

“Disease is an alarm signal, a friend that calls to inform us of danger. Disease is an effort to prevent death. Therefore, pain and so-called “disease” is more than a warning; it is an effort that opposes death. The symptoms that indicate disease are calls, or dispatches, asking for the material with which repair of bodily tissue may be made. Pains or discomforts of various functions or structures of the body are words asking for the constituent parts of blood, nerve fluids, tissue, bone, etc.

“If acids cause pain, the pain is a call for a sufficient amount of alkaline salts to balance an acid effect and change fluids to a balanced and natural state. Healthy synovial fluid (fluid of the joints — the lubricator) is neither acid nor alkali but yet contains both in combination. Should the alkaline salts become deficient in amount for any cause, the acid at once becomes a disturbing element and hurts the nerves that pervade the membranes of periosteum (bone covering) of the internal structure of knee, elbow, or other joints of the human anatomy. This pain, or word, cannot be considered bad or malignant in any sense.

“So then it matters not what name may be given to nature’s demand for reinforcements through the medium of pain or any symptom that indicates a deviation from the plane of health; one thing and one thing alone is needed, i.e., to supply the blood with the dynamic molecules, the twelve cell salts, that set up vibration or action in the human machine.

“Poisons, of whatever name or nature, do not and cannot supply deficiencies and cure disease for the simple reason that poisons are not constituent parts of the human organism.

“Poisons oppose calls for help and tend to still the voice of nature; therefore, the effect of poison is towards death. Many have survived the effects of poisons, but equally many have been hurried to their graves.

“A proper use of mineral or cell salts of the blood in the potency and proportion found in the ashes of a cremated body will do all that can be done medicinally to supply deficiencies and restore normal conditions.

“The cell salts form the chemical base of the blood, and blood builds all tissue and fluids of the body.”

—Adapted from Chemistry of the Cosmos by Dr. George Carey. Featured in Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies: A User’s Guide By David R. Card, page 12

“The Theory of Schüssler’s Biochemic Method.

“The idea upon which Biochemic Therapeutics is based is the physiological fact that both the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and proper apportionment of its inorganic constituents. These remain after combustion of the tissues and form the ashes.

“The inorganic constituents are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body, and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. According to [Dr.] Schüssler’s theory, any disturbance in the molecular motion of these cell salts in living tissues, caused by a deficiency in the requisite amount, constitutes disease,※ which can be rectified and the requisite equilibrium re-established by administering the same mineral salts in small quantities. This is supposed to be brought about by virtue of the operation of chemical affinity in the domain of histology; and hence this therapeutic procedure is styled by Schüssler the Biochemic method, and stress is laid on the fact that it is in supposed harmony with well-known facts and laws in physiological chemistry and allied sciences.

※ “Recent experiments, made by Prof. Loeb, seem to prove that the various tissue cells will rapidly disintegrate in the absence of the proper proportion of sodium, potassium and lime salts in the circulating fluid, the normal ratio being 100 molecules of sodium, 2.2 molecules of potassium and 1.5 molecules of lime. Any marked departure from this proportion is followed by a more or less rapid degeneration of protoplasm.

“The maintenance of a stable metabolism within the cell is due to the presence of these salts in the proper ratio in the fluid, which surrounds the cell. It is thus a protective process. They maintain a sort of physiologic balance in the liquids surrounding the living cells and any upsetting of this proportional interrelation of the various salts may lead to physiologic disturbance and disease.”

—from The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler Comprising of the Theory, Therapeutic Application, Materia Medica & a Complete Repertory of Tissue Remedies (Homeopathically and Bio-Chemically Considered) By William Boericke, M.D. & W.A. Dewey, M.D., Sixth Edition, ISBN 978-81-319-0320-9, Page 15

“There are so many unseen negative influences on human health that are missed by conventional medical practitioners that many sources of human suffering remain undetected. It is recognized that sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide are airborne pollutants which are harmful to human health. These chemicals place abnormal stresses on the body’s physiology and lead to the manifestation of illness in certain susceptible individuals. Disease susceptibility as a consequence of exposure to environmental pollutants is partly a function of the strength of the body’s immunologic, physiologic, and energetic defense mechanisms.

“The production of environmental illness is not strictly related to exposure to levels of harmful substances that are higher than FDA safety limits. Conventional safety limits of exposure do not take into account the subtle vibrational effects of toxic substances. Because of their inability to comprehend vibrational levels of toxicity, the orthodox scientific community is more lenient in defining safe levels of exposure to many harmful substances. The inadequacy of conventional scientific testing to measure subtle negative disturbances to human physiology also limits the FDA’s ability to define exactly which substances are really harmful to human beings, let alone the concentration necessary for toxic effects.”

—Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies, Third Edition, page 451, Bear & Company, 2001, ISBN# 978-1-879181-58-8

“Thus, Medicine — to mediate with action theater.”

—Jim West, August 10, 2020, Medicine: Etymology []

“Serum sickness was described by von Pirquet in 1905, following the use of horse serum containing diphtheria antitoxin. Serum sickness consists of fever, cutaneous eruption, arthralgia/arthritis, gastrointestinal disturbances, lymphadenopathy, and proteinuria. During the last decade, many authors have used the term serum sickness-like reaction (SSLR) to describe drug reactions that consist of rash, fever, and joint involvement often without evidence of cutaneous or systemic vasculitis. Generalized lymphadenopathy and proteinuria usually do not occur in SSLR. Unlike the serum sickness that is caused by circulating immune complexes, the pathophysiology of SSLR is not fully understood. An increasing number of drugs, including penicillins, cephalosporins, sulfonamides, minocycline, ciprofloxacin, beta-blockers, fluoxetine, rifampin, and others, have been implicated in the etiology of both serum sickness and SSLR.”

Serum Sickness-like Reactions By Joseph Yerushalmi, MD; Alex Zvulunov, MD; and Sima Halevy, MD, Cutis, Volume 69, May 2002, pages 395-397 {Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine} — [Requires PDF Software]

“Almost any protein material or organic compound, by combining with body proteins, may produce severe allergic reactions. Although the use of serum and consequently the reactions from serum have been considerably reduced, these reactions still occur, and new treatments have brought new hazards. There are no more distressing emergencies than those which result from one’s own treatment; their avoidance is most desirable, while their prompt recognition and treatment are essential.

“Anaphylactic reactions always come on soon after the injection of the allergen, sometimes immediately, and the earlier the reaction the more likely is it to be severe and dangerous. A reaction occurring within a few minutes of the injection will be severe, and possibly fatal, while a reaction occurring after thirty minutes to an hour, although it may be quite troublesome, is rarely, if ever, dangerous.

“The earliest symptoms of severe and dangerous anaphylactic reactions may be sweating, a feeling of heat throughout the body, a generalized pruritus, or an urticarial rash rapidly becoming generalized; an irritating cough, dyspnoea and wheeziness, a choking sensation, substernal oppression, or a feeling of constriction in the chest; retching or vomiting with cramp-like pains in the abdomen, sometimes diarrhoea, occasionally severe abdominal distension; and/or headache, giddiness, or sudden unconsciousness, in some cases followed by convulsions; while acute circulatory collapse and death may occur rapidly. The pulse is at first of good volume, slow and bounding, but in the dangerously ill patient it becomes rapid, weak, and thready, and there is a marked fall in blood pressure.”

“In serum sickness the symptoms occur only after a definite incubation period, usually six to twelve days, commonly ten days. Symptoms may be mild or severe. They consist of fever, skin eruptions, glandular enlargement, and arthritis, often in this order. The fever ranges from 99 to 104° F. (37.2 to 40° C.). Skin eruptions are the commonest manifestation, the large majority being urticarial weals or, in the severer cases, angioneurotic oedema. A morbilliform type of rash is also fairly common, and different parts of the body may present different appearances at the same time.

“The scarlatiniform type of rash occurs infrequently. When generalized angioneurotic oedema occurs the urine may contain albumin, but rarely blood. The presence of albumin need not cause undue concern, for after the serum disease has subsided the albumin disappears.

“When severe pains in the joints occur it is almost always towards the end of the illness, and although these are a fresh and sometimes frightening addition to the patient’s symptoms they usually herald the last phase, when the acute stage is nearing its end. In the more severe reactions there may be difficulty in swallowing and a feeling of a heavy lump behind the sternum, while cramp-like abdominal pains, with or without diarrhoea or vomiting or both, are also not uncommon and may last for several days.

“Stiffness of the joints, especially after use, and an urticarial type of skin reaction after pressure may persist for weeks and sometimes for many months. One of my own patients, six months after his penicillin reaction, still developed pain and swelling of the feet and ankles after a brisk walk, and was unable to use his hands for heavy manual work.

“Neurological complications are rare but of special interest. The commonest is an affection of the brachial plexus or part of the brachial plexus, resulting in a scapulo-humeral paralysis. The patient often complains of neuritic pains in the shoulder regions, and these are followed fairly rapidly by a flaccid paralysis with the usual tenderness and hyper- aesthesia. Recovery usually occurs within six months.”

Serum and Anaphylactic Reactions By D. A. Williams, M.D., M.Sc., F.R.C.P., British Medical Journal: Emergencies in General Practice, 1952, 1, 4928, 1469-1471. Also available at {Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine} — [Requires PDF Software]

“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative. Proactive, spontaneous, automated adverse event reporting imbedded within EHRs and other information systems has the potential to speed the identification of problems with new drugs and more careful quantification of the risks of older drugs.”

Electronic Support for Public Health—Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) Grant Final Report/Grant ID: R18 HS 017045 [Inclusive dates: 12/01/07 - 09/30/10] Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci, page 6 — [Requires PDF Software]

“Medical research, no matter how much effort, money and dedication goes into it, always seems to give us a deceptive answer. There are a lot of promises in the beginning which more often than not end up in disasters. The problem is that many times the medical drugs used to manipulate the human body are so deep and insidious in their effects that when we finally perceive their long-term side effects, it is usually too late; the damage has already been done.

“Today everybody thinks that it was only thalidomide and a handful of other drugs that have been harmful, while everything else is considered safe and “innocent.” Thalidomide showed its appalling effects upon the human organism in quite a short time because it was a very crude drug. This was the reason why it was soon recognized and isolated, though not without leaving some very tragic consequences in its wake. Can you imagine what could have happened if its effects had not been discovered when they were?

What we have to understand is that all chemical drugs, no matter how innocent they may appear in the beginning, are bound to have some type of effect, be it large or small, on the human organism. Some drugs or vaccinations may have such a subtle and insidious influence upon the body that their side effects may be apparent only five to ten years later.

“In 1978, in my book The Science of Homeopathy, I advanced the theory that vaccinations deeply disturb the organism before they can protect it from a specific disease. But few have asked about the long-term effects of vaccinations. Who can really calculate the net profit or loss from such practice? We all know that vaccinations are “addressed” to the immune system and that their aim is to “force” it to produce antibodies to protect the organism from future attacks of a specific infectious disease.

“This idea was really “clever,” but the question still remains for future generations to answer whether it was clever enough to outsmart nature.

“Several other questions which will take a long time to answer are:

  1. “Can nature (the organism), under the stress of a vaccine, suffer an unpredictable reaction which arranges its deeper structures of defense, such as the reticuloendothelial, immune, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, such that it can no longer defend itself from future diseases of a different type?
  2. “Is it possible that by using such powerful agents we are accelerating the body’s manifestation of its latent predisposition for chronic diseases?
  3. “Who can foretell, with any degree of certainty, the long-range consequences of such subtle intervention in the innermost workings of the human organism?

“In my teachings, I have alluded repeatedly to the fact that we have meddled in an unwise and serious manner with the immune system, and that it is possible the present “explosion” of some of the most terrifying chronic diseases of our times—like multiple sclerosis, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis—may have been precipitated largely by certain vaccinations. Such practices may have consequences that appear ten to fifteen years after the initial vaccination, which I believe is the case with multiple sclerosis.

—George Vithoulkas, A New Model for Health and Disease: Suggesting an Explanation for the Explosion of: AIDS, Cancer, Asthma, Candida, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergic Conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome New Expanded Edition. North Sporades, Greece: International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, 2008. Pages 169-171. ISBN# 1-55643-087-6

“The role of deficiency in causing disease is carried a step further by Dr. Max Gerson in his text for doctors, A Cancer Therapy—The Results of Fifty Cases. He exposes the depletion of farm soil from chemical fertilization as early as the 1930s and concludes that the depletion subsequentially affects nutritional levels in the plants growing in depleted soil.”

—“Does Medicine Have a Bad Attitude?” by James P. Carter, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 11.

“In time, [Royal Raymond] Rife was able to prove that the cancer micro-organism had four forms:

1. BX (carcinoma);

2. BY (sarcoma—larger than BX);

3. Monococcoid form in the monocytes of the blood of over 90 percent of cancer patients. When properly stained, this form can be readily seen with a standard research microscope;

4. Crytomyces pleomorphia fungi—identical morphologically to that of the orchid and of the mushroom.”

—“Royal Raymond Rife and the Cancer Cure That Worked!” by Barry Lynes, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 135-136.

“Your brain cannot distinguish reality from a dream or vision. If all you think of is “optimal health,” what is your body to do but follow suit. The next time you are experiencing symptoms of an illness, do not make any attempts to classify those symptoms in an illness category (i.e., cold, flu, etc.). Speak of it as a minor occurrence and watch how quickly you begin the healing process. For example, you have the symptoms of a cold. Instead of saying you have a cold, consider it to be a stuffy nose in your mind and description to others. It is very rare that I will claim any illness, and my wife can tell you, it is very rare that I am ill. Everyone in my house could have the flu and I would still be in good health.”

Dr. Jermaine Ware, DC, CCWP, Elements 4 Optimal Health: The Science, Philosophy and Art of Health: Volume 1. Nashville, Tennessee: HEROH™ Publishing Inc., 2014. ISBN# 978-1495414909. Page 101.

“Norman Cousins did it, the publisher who was dying of cancer. He declared “No way am I checking out” and decided to spend his time in a state of laughter. He knew instinctively that if he could reverse the frequencies in his body, it would heal itself. So from his hospital bed he watched only funny movies, read funny books, had friends tell him jokes, and cured himself completely of the cancer that had raked his body. Then he wrote a book about it.…”

—Lynn Grabhorn, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings. Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 2003. Pages 232-233.

“Lying on his death bed, revered Reb Zusya was very upset and crying, tears streaming down his face.

His students asked with great concern, “Reb Zusya, why are you upset? Why are you crying? Are you afraid when you die you will be asked why you were not more like Moses?”

Reb Zusya replied, “I am not afraid that the Holy One will ask me, ‘Zusya, why were you not more like Moses?’ Rather, I fear that he will say, ‘Zusya, why were you not Zusya?’ ” ” [my emphasis]

—Rabbi Zusya (Buber and Marx 1947), appearing in Core Health: The Quantum Way to Inner Power By Dr. Ed Carlson and Dr. Livia Kohn.

“Life-long enemies, the karate masters Miyagi and Sato are close to fighting to the death, when a typhoon comes and Sato is trapped under a fallen tree. Miyagi uses his skill to save Sato’s life. Sato repents his animosity and comes to speak to Miyagi. Bowing deeply, he says: “Please forgive me, Miyagi.” He bows respectfully again.

“Oh Sato, my friend, nothing to forgive.”

“Please, Miyagi, forgive me.” He bows respectfully again.

“Sato, my friend, nothing to forgive.”

“How can you say nothing to forgive? Forty years ago you left the island of Okinawa because of my anger. I wanted to fight you to the death. I would not even make peace when asked by my revered Sensei. I destroyed part of the village. How can you say ‘nothing to forgive’?”

“Sato, my friend, Miyagi no take offense.” ”

Karate Kid II, appearing in Core Health: The Quantum Way to Inner Power By Dr. Ed Carlson and Dr. Livia Kohn.

“Taoist story of ancient China:

“When Yen Ho was about to take up his duties as tutor to the heir Fo Ling, Duke of Wei, he went to Ch’u Po Yu for advice. ‘I have to deal,’ he said, ‘with a man of depraved and murderous disposition. . . . How is one to deal with a man of this sort?’ ‘I am glad,’ said Ch’u Po Yu, ‘that you asked this question. . . . The first thing you must do is not to improve him, but to improve yourself.’ ” ”

—Story told in Martin Luther King, Jr. on Leadership: Inspiration & Wisdom for Challenging Times by Donald T. Phillips. Page 271.

“ “Regardless of present circumstances and despite the etiology of an illness’s manifestation, one’s full power as a creator of future experiences, as a self-healer, lies entirely here in the present. Use medicine as a mantra that magnifies the vibrations of your intent; let your medicines echo the vibrations of your impassioned desire to regain the experience of your innate health, vitality, and well-being.”

…“Physicians and herbalists, like medicine, can be distinct allies for a person who regards and trusts them. They are influential companions for anyone who believes they can help them and have requested this help. An attending herbalist or physician can skillfully soothe and mend another person’s physical malaise and make them more comfortable, but herbalists and physicians do not ‘heal’ others, no one heals another.” Chiron emphasized, “One can only heal oneself.” [my emphasis]

“When I use the term heal, I mean reconnecting to one’s Source energy by one’s removal of inner resistance to the flow of life force, so that inner ease returns, harmony between one’s mind and spirit is reestablished, and the experience of one’s intrinsic well-being is revived.” ”

—featured in James Green, The Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual. Freedom, California: The Crossing Press, 2000. Pages 330-331.

“Understanding is having the ability to see things clearly for what they are and not what they present themselves to be.”

—AZ, spoken in an introduction to Understanding by Nas

“Muslims tell the story of a mullah (a magic figure in Sufism) who finds a cheese sandwich in his lunch pail one day. The next day and the day after that he also finds a cheese sandwich in his lunch pail. After ten days he says, ‘I am sick and tired of these cheese sandwiches.’ When his co-workers ask him, ‘Why don’t you ask your wife to make you another kind of sandwich,’ he answers ‘But I am not married. I make my own sandwiches.’ ”

“So awareness is needed to break out of old patterns.”

—From “A Muslim View of September 11” By Grace Lee Boggs, Michigan Citizen, October 21-27, 2001

“Rife had proved pleomorphism. He had shown how the cancer virus changes form, depending on its environment. He had confirmed the work of Béchamp, of Kendall, of Rosenow, of Welch, and an army of pleomorphist bacteriologists who would come after him and have to battle the erroneous laws of Rivers and his legions of followers.
Rife said, ‘In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but the chemical constituents of these micro-organisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease.’ ”

—“Royal Raymond Rife and the Cancer Cure That Worked!” by Barry Lynes, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 135-136.

“He who considers disease results to be the disease itself, and expects to do away with these as disease, is insane. It is an insanity in medicine, an insanity that has grown out of the milder forms of mental disorder in science, crazy whims. The bacteria are results of disease. In the course of time we will be able to show perfectly that the microscopical little fellows are not the disease cause, but that they come after, that they are scavengers accompanying the disease, and that they are perfectly harmless in every respect. They are the outcome of the disease, are present wherever the disease is, and by the microscope it has been discovered that every pathological result has its corresponding bacteria. The Old School consider these the cause, but we will be able to show that disease cause is much more subtle than anything that can be shown by a microscope. We will be able to show you by a process of reasoning, step by step, the folly of hunting for disease cause by the implements of the senses.”

—James Tyler Kent, AM, MD, The Art and Science of Homeopathic Medicine. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 2002. Page 22. [Originally published as Lectures on Homœopathic Philosophy in 1900.]

“The miasms that are at the present day upon the human race are complicated a thousandfold by allopathic treatment. Every external manifestation of the miasm has in itself a tendency to straighten mankind, but the human race is being violently damaged and diseases are being complicated for the reason that these outward expressions are forced to disappear by the application of some violent or stimulating drug. At the present day nobody will acknowledge that he had the itch in his childhood, until it is seen by some intelligent mother that it is wise to tell the doctor everything. The itch is looked upon as a disgraceful affair; so is everything that has a similar correspondence; because the itch in itself has a correspondence with adultery, only one is adultery as to internal and the other to externals, one succeeds the other. So it is with all miasms.”

—James Tyler Kent, AM, MD, The Art and Science of Homeopathic Medicine. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 2002. Page 137. [Originally published as Lectures on Homœopathic Philosophy in 1900.]

“… The physician must perceive in the disease that which is to be cured, and the curative indication in each particular case of disease is the totality of the symptoms, i.e., the disease is represented or expressed by the totality of the symptoms, and this totality (which is the speech of nature) is not itself the esse of the disease, it only represents the disorder in the internal economy. This totality, which is really external, a manifestation in the tissues, will arrange itself into form to present, as it were, to the physician the internal disorder.”

—James Tyler Kent, AM, MD, The Art and Science of Homeopathic Medicine. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 2002. Page 33. [Originally published as Lectures on Homœopathic Philosophy in 1900.]

“Today no skin eruption is left to appear. Everything that appears on the skin is quickly suppressed. If that continues for long the human race will disappear from the face of the earth.”

—James Tyler Kent, AM, MD, Lesser Writings.

“In our society, the bathroom scale has a following worthy of a political party or religion. An unbelievable number of weight loss gimmicks have been spawned by the American obsession about losing weight.

Some of them endanger the health of their victims, others merely thin wallets, and almost all fail to cause permanent weight loss. In the rush to shed pounds, a very important question is usually overlooked: How fat am I?

The scale cannot differentiate between fat pounds and muscle pounds. People automatically assume that a gain in scale weight represents fat weight and that a loss in scale weight is fat loss. Thus, you often hear someone exclaim, I’ve lost six pounds in one day! It’s physiologically impossible to lose six pounds of fat in one day. That someone has actually lost water--which will be replaced. Fluctuations in scale weight do not necessarily represent changes in body fat, and that’s what counts.

The scale does not indicate how fat a person is because both fat and muscle (and some other things, including water) contribute to the total weight. The term overweight only refers to body weight in excess of the average weight for a specific height. The term underweight only refers to the body weight below the average weight for height.

The scale is prejudiced against stocky, muscular people just as it is biased in favor of thin, slightly built people. What tells the tale is not total weight but body composition.

Body composition divides weight into two categories. One is lean body mass, of which muscle is the major component. The other category is fat. What is really important is how much of a person’s weight is fat. This is expressed as percent body fat.”

—Ellen Coleman, RD, MA, MPH, Eating For Endurance Fourth Edition. Boulder, Colorado: Bull Publishing Company, 2003. Chapter 13 — “Body Composition: Debunking the Myth of Bathroom Scales/The True Measure of Fatness”.


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Internet Resources (Music Videos, Documentary Films, Web sites, Articles, Magazines, etc.)

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Music Videos

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Documentary Film Sites

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Documentary Films

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Web sites

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Irucka Embry’s Collection of Internet Resources

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All of Us Have the Ability to Heal Ourselves

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Bio-Electrical, Holographic Human Beings {We Are All Holograms]

top of page

Energy and Vibrational Medicine Healing

top of page

Healing Through the Healing Vibrations of Sound Frequencies

top of page

Healing Through the Healing Vibrations of Crystals

top of page

Healing Through the Healing Vibrations of Colors

top of page

Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, and Massage

top of page

Flower Essences

top of page

Essential Oils

top of page

Homeopathy & Magnets

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top of page


top of page

Antidoting Homeopathic Remedies (aka Making Them Ineffective)

top of page

Homeopathic Remedies

top of page

Aconitum napellus / Aconite (Monkshood) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Apis mellifica (European Honey Bee) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Arnica montana Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Baptisia tinctoria {Wild Indigo] Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Belladonna Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Bellis perennis {Daisy] Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Borax veneta / Borate of Sodium (Borax] Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Bryonia alba Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Cinchona officinalis Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Colocynthis Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Dulcamara Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Echinacea augustifolia Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Echinacea purpurea Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Eupatorium perfoliatum (Common Boneset or Boneset) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Fluoric acid Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Gelsemium sempervirens Homeopathic Remedy Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (Hahnemann’s Calcium Sulphide) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Homeopathic Remedy

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Ignatia amara Homeopathic Remedy

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Ipecacuanha [Ipecac-root (IPECA)] Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Kali bichromicum Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Kalium carbonicum (Carbonate of Potassium) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Homeopathic Matridonal Remedies

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Homeopathic Animal Milk (Lac) Remedies

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Lemna minor (Common Duckweed) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Lycopodium clavatum (Club Moss) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Magnetis polus arcticus (Magnet) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Mercurius solubilis (Dimercuros ammonium nitrate) or vivus (Quicksilver) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Millefolium (Common Yarrow) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Natrum muriaticum (Table Salt) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Nitricum acidum (Nitric acid) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Nux vomica (Poison chestnut) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Petroleum Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Phosphoricum acidum Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy

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Phytolacca decandra (US American Pokeweed) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Pyrogenium (Pyrog.) [Putrescent (rotting) meat.] Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Rhus toxicodendron (Poison oak) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Rhus venenata (Poison Elder. Poison Sumach. Swamp Sumach) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Sambucus canadensis (US American Black Elderberry) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Sanguinaria canadensis (Blood Root) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Scutellaria laterifolia (Skullcap) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Silicea terra (Silica) / Silicon dioxide Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Thuja occidentalis (Northern white-cedar) Homeopathic Remedy

top of page

Homeopathic Snake (Ophidia Clade) Remedies

top of page

Cell Salts / Tissue Salts / Biochemic Salts

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Environmental Medicine Healing and Beyond

top of page


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Make Your Own Essential Oils

top of page

Make Your Own Herbal Medicines Healing Products (Tinctures, etc.)

top of page

Make Your Own Herbal Salves

top of page

Make Your Own Hydrosols

top of page

General Health

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Caregiving Information & Health of Caregivers

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Emotional Health

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Anxiety and Stress

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Mental Health

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Women’s Health

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Men’s Health

top of page

Health and your Body

top of page

The “Physical” Body is a Hologram [Use this Information for Your Personal Healing & Wellness}

top of page

Breathing to ReConnect With Your Spirit & to Change Your Health

top of page

Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

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Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)

top of page

Oral Health

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Health of Your Eyes

top of page


top of page

First Aid (mostly Homeopathy-based)

top of page

Recovery From a Vehicular Accident

top of page

Cosmetics/Toiletries & Your Health

top of page

Food Related Web sites and articles

top of page


top of page

“Wild” (“Weeds”) Edible & Medicinal Plants

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Please see the disclaimer


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top of page

The Importance of Water

top of page

Salts of Chloride

top of page

Body Alkalinity (Alkaline Foods & beyond)

top of page

Soft Drinks/Soda Pop and Your Health

top of page

Sweeteners (Natural and Artificial)

top of page

Fats (Lipids)

top of page

Washing Produce

top of page

Peeling Produce

top of page

Food Pyramid/Plate and USDA

top of page

Food Safety, including Recalls and Contamination

top of page

Health Effects of Additives (Added to Foods, Personal Care Products, Vaccine$, etc.) and other Food Additives

top of page

Propylene Glycol

top of page

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)

top of page

Food Irradiation

top of page


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Alcohol & Drug Addiction (Street, Pharmaceutical, etc.)

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Modern Petrochemical Medicine, Rx (Petrochemical Drugs) and Health

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Report Adverse Reactions to Vaccination$

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Healing from Vaccination$ Adverse Reactions (except Death)

top of page

Report Adverse Reactions to Drugs

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Antacids & H2 blockers

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Antidepressants (Bring on the Increasing Suicide Rates)

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Pain Relieving (through Symptom Suppression) Drugs

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Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

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Analgesic and Antipyretic Drugs {Tylenol (Acetaminophen), etc.}

top of page

Platelet aggregation inhibitors and Salicylates {Aspirin}

top of page

Ultrasounds (Helpful or Harmful?)

top of page


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Reversing Damage from Ecological Pollution

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Recovery From Radiation Poisoning, including EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Exposure

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“Morgellons” Disease

top of page

Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, etc.

top of page

Sweating is Beneficial [Little to No Sweating (Anhidrosis) or Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) is not]

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Mass Loss (Commonly called Weight Loss) [Remember that Weight = Mass x the Earth’s gravitational effect]

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Sepsis & Septicemia

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Healing for Pre- & Post-Surgery

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