About EcoC²S
Irucka Embry, EIT (Engineer-in-Training) is the Principal of EcoC²S, which is a small business focusing on diverse products and services. The services that Irucka offers includes the following:
- Consulting in a variety of areas;
- General Consulting,
- Food Grower,
- Healthy Living Coach (Promoting Healthy Living through the Read the Labels Campaign), and
- Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) selection
- Data Analyst, R Programmer/Developer, & R Trainer; and
- Public Speaker
He started Eco-[1]Creative [2] Consulting Services {and later shortened to EcoC²S [3] — Irucka used squared due to his background as an environmental engineer] in October 2007, in response to being forcibly laid off (due to government corruption) from his first professional engineering position as the Rutherford County Landfill Project Engineer. EcoC²S is an extension of the multidimensional Human Being that is Irucka thus this business offers a diverse array of services and products. He is a generalist (systems thinker [4] focused on connections and networks — please refer back to the quote from John Muir on his Home page) in all that he does, including when he worked as an environmental engineer; however, Irucka can be detail-oriented when he needs to “wear that hat” as well. Thus, he can both see the forests and the trees.
Now on to the backstory.
Business Origin Story
For a class assignment in middle school (8th grade), I wrote a chapter-focused autobiography of mySelf. In the chapter entitled: “My Future Job and Why I Chose It”, I wrote the following to end it:
“Hopefully, after all of us children finish college we will be able to make a business. We are hoping that we can start up a little business and marketing job and maybe even expand the business into a very large one.”
Even before I wrote those words, I saw my father, Jim Embry, — Sustainable Communities Network — start a marketing and computer business. My siblings and I assisted our father in that business. After that business Jim created the “House Doctor” where he worked as a general contractor. My siblings and I worked alongside our father at different points in our Life in that business. In addition, I saw my mother, Dr. DeBora L’T. Mapp, — Schooling Solutions LLC — begin her business Kente Originals. My twin brother, Obiora, and I assisted my mother in her business too. In addition to the businesses created in my immediate family, there were plenty of other family members and/or family friends that had their own entrepreneurial pursuits during my formative years.
So, what does that mean?
The impetus to begin Eco-Creative Consulting Services was not solely due to being forced out from a job. It came from a deeper yearning to create a family engineering business (all 5 of my parents’ children have at least 1 engineering degree) which was refined while I was an undergraduate student. During those years, I decided that I wanted to create my own consulting engineering firm regardless if we created a family company or not. Another inspiration was that in January 2006, Obiora founded EConsulting™, thus “beating me to the punch” because I had been too “jobified” 🤗. I was making more money than I had ever thought that I would make as an employed environmental engineer due to seeing the average salary of civil engineers while at UTK. In addition, I had gotten complacent with regards to creating my business because I was the department head/boss/head honcho in my very first position! In spite of that, the yearning to create my own business was still there because I wanted to have complete creative control over what I was able to accomplish with my varied skills. At that job and in various other jobs over the years, my creative aspirations and innovations were usually too out there until I left. Then, some of my ideas were watered down and accepted.
Wholistic Ecological Advocate
In that same autobiography, I included a chapter entitled: “If I Had Three Wishes”. Although I have misplaced the actual text, at the end of that chapter there is a photograph of the Earth taken from space.
Part of that stems from spending so much time outside in Nature at his childhood home, at his paternal family farm in Eastern Kentucky, at his material family farm in southwestern Kentucky, at parks, beaches, etc. and with being raised in a household rooted in healthy living (before it was cool again) & being actively involved in the greater community in Lexington, Kentucky, and across the nation and the world. More of this background will be explored and discussed in a forthcoming book co-written with Obiora, Irucka’s twin brother.
Pursued Various Interests While an Undergraduate Student
- studied civil/environmental engineering and Spanish
- was an ecological activist (economic, environmental, and social justice) in Nashville, greater Tennessee [was a board member of an organization], nationally, and internationally through various organizations
- worked with various engineering organizations
- tutored for 2 different programs & did work study
- wrote for the campus college newspaper & created a newsletter for one of the social justice groups
- etc.
August 2008 Business Services Cateogries
Ecological Services
- Rain Gardens
- Rain Barrels
- Composting
- Garden Planning and Design
- Basic Website Design
- Basic Computer Troubleshooting
- Free & Open Source Software Consultant
- Organic Cotton Bag Reseller
- Vegetable and root crops
- Certified organic seeds
- Tutoring: Mathematics (Calculus I and II), Sciences (High School and College General Chemistry), and Spanish
- Public Speaker
- Healthy Cleaning/Food Options — Read the Labels Campaign
- Research
- Technical Writing
- Desktop Publishing
- Personalized Greeting Cards
Music Management
December 2008 Business Card Services
- Organic Gardening
- Rain Gardens
- Tutoring
- Free/Open Source Software
Previous Imaginative Logos
The logos are displayed over a background of a flower growing on the land leased by Getting Back to Nature™. The photograph was taken by Irucka Embry.
Irucka educates and inspires positive changes locally and globally through EcoC²S. In addition to the services that EcoC²S offers, Irucka has written various articles, has been interviewed on a variety of topics, has participated in diverse events on his own and with Obiora, and offers a plethora of online and print resources. Through these efforts, Irucka’s goal is to educate people on a variety of topics to hopefully inspire actions for the greater good.
Irucka knows that Human Beings, regardless of what “identity(ies)” that we may cling to, must Unite for the greater good for the Human Race and for ALL Life on Earth.
About Getting Back to Nature™
In December 2012, Obiora (Irucka’s twin brother & Founder of EConsulting™) and Irucka began their quest to lease a couple of acres of land from Martin Acres, their maternal family farm, in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, to start an edible forest garden. Irucka was influenced by 2 events at the “A Place at the Table” dinners created by his friend, Martha Stamps, at a local church. One event was watching A Thousand Suns about the Gamo of Ethiopia. The other event was hearing a talk by Dave Jacke about edible forest gardens.
In 2017, Obiora and Irucka decided to join their individual businesses together under the umbrella of Getting Back to Nature™ to craft a more holistic vision for creating an edible food ecosystem on their beloved 2 acres.
You can view our products on the Getting Back to Nature™ Products page and also on our LocalHarvest profile page.
Irucka has applied his knowledge gained from being a civil/environmental/water resources engineer to the work of healing the soil on those 2 acres of land. Some of the materials learned in classes at the undergraduate- and especially the graduate-level have been a large influence in how Irucka approaches the work that we are doing on our 2 acres of land.
Irucka recognizes that the most healthy food will be grown in healthy and lively Soil that is wetted by healthy Water.
The Multi-Faceted Irucka Embry
Partial Professional Background
Irucka Embry’s general curriculum vitae (CV) — [Requires PDF Software] — created with the vitae R package provides some more details to Irucka’s professional background & qualifications.
Graduate-level Research
Irucka Embry’s research as a Master’s student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (now Civil and Architectural Engineering) at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee:
- Derivation and Application of a Multi-Parameter Gamma Model For Analyzing the Residence Time Distribution Function For Non-Ideal Flow Systems as an Alternative to the Advection Dispersion Equation: A Project Report Submitted to the [Tennessee State University (TSU)] College of Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Engineering With a Concentration in Environmental Engineering By Irucka Ajani Embry, EIT, August 2012 [Requires PDF Software]
- Derivation of a Multiparameter Gamma Model for Analyzing the Residence-Time Distribution Function for Nonideal Flow Systems as an Alternative to the Advection-Dispersion Equation By Irucka Embry, Victor Roland, Oluropo Agbaje, Valetta Watson, Marquan Martin, Roger Painter, Tom Byl, and Lonnie Sharpe, International Scholarly Research Notices, Volume 2013 | Article ID 539209
- Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR®: Mammoth Cave 10th Research Symposium 2013: An Alternative to the Advection Dispersion Model for Interpreting Dye Tracing Studies in Fractured-Rock and Karst Aquifers By Roger Painter, Irucka Embry, Victor Roland, and Rick Toomey, MCICSL
- Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR®: Mammoth Cave 10th Research Symposium 2013: Three Examples of Chemical Transport in Storm Runoff at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky By Ashley West, David Solomon, Hung-Wai Ho, Victor Roland, Irucka Embry, Rick Toomey, Roger Painter, Lonnie Sharpe, and Dafeng Hu
- Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR®: Mammoth Cave 10th Research Symposium 2013: Evaluation of Stormwater Filters at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, 2011-12 By Sean McMillian, Ashley West, David Solomon, Roger Diehl, Victor Roland, Irucka Embry, and Rick Toomey
Irucka is a creative & multi-faceted Human Being. He is a(n):
- former adjunct professor
- author of Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture & main author, with Obiora Embry, of Tuning to the Soil-ed Seed Vibrations For Our Collective Health
- book publisher through Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP)
- AmeriPlan seller, business services advisor, financial professional, Melaleuca member referrer, real estate wholesaler, travel agent, etc.
- consultant
- ecological activist (encompassing economic, environmental, and social justice)
- environmental engineer [Engineer-in-Training (EIT)}
- event planner
- freedom advocate
- herbalist (“lover and user of Plants”)
- artisanal home chef & food forager
- lay homeopath {saw a professional, classical homeopath from 1999 - 2009 who encouraged me to become a homeopath by first educating mySelf}
- performing and visual artist (creative writing, drawing, Hip Hop musician/songwriter, painting, photography, etc.)
- polyculture food grower and advocate of everyone eating
- public speaker/instructor/teacher
- R data analyst / data scientist / developer / trainer
- researcher
- self‐studier of (agro)homeopathy and biodynamics
- small business owner/entrepreneur
- Truth Seeker/Questioner
- tutor
- etc.
Irucka has a Master of Engineering (ME) with a Concentration in Environmental Engineering from Tennessee State University (TSU) in Nashville and a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Civil Engineering with Minors in Environmental Engineering and el español (Spanish) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
In my first professional role after graduation, I worked for the Rutherford County Landfill as a Landfill Project Engineer. In this capacity, I worked in a variety of capacities, including overseeing the daily operations of a Class III/IV landfill (construction/demolition, farming, landscaping, and land clearing wastes) and the post-closure operations of a Class I landfill (commercial, domestic, institutional, and municipal solid wastes) with tire collection/storage/transfer facility; supervising 4 full-time staff and 1 part-time (really full-time) employee; stormwater management using Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) Measures; helping to establish native vegetation in an old borrow area; etc. My ecological activism at the undergraduate level was my impetus to request to use native vegetation to reclaim the borrow pit.
In my 2nd professional position with Metro Nashville Stormwater Division, I was involved more directly with the wider general public as I was interviewing people about their stormwater issues and recommending ways that we could solve their problems. The major problem was that many people were on a waiting list for, in some cases decades, a long time with no help.
In my 3rd professional role, I worked for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Tennessee Water Science Center {the name was later changed to the Lower Mississippi - Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC)] and/or the Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions, LLC (CNTS) in a variety of roles. I became a R programmer because of that job doing a variety of computational and graphical analysis for various water projects. I worked on a project to use bioremediation to aid in the clean-up efforts at an unlined landfill that had stored various chlorinated products. I also worked on background work for the southeast portion of the SPARROW model which looks at nutrient cycling and how it impacts water quality and Human health. Lastly, I worked on a project to turn a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into a R program called FEWSR that dealt with the power consumption of thermoelectric power plants throughout the nation.
In my 4th professional position, Adjunct Professor in the College of Engineering at Tennessee State University (TSU) in Nashville, Tennessee.
In my 5th professional role, I worked for the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). I was responsible for obtaining environmental permits associated with water resource alterations to waterbodies (creeks, rivers, springs, streams, wetlands, and/or wet weather conveyances), impacts to potential sinkholes, and stormwater management [National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater Permit] for mostly Western Tennessee transportation projects from federal and/or state environmental agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
Family Web sites
- Martin Acres, Inc.
- EConsulting™
- Embry Books
- Schooling Solutions LLC
- Sustainable Communities Network
- Ivy Barksdale
- JamesRMapp.org
- Martin Management Group
- Martin Brothers Roofing & Remodeling
- Ballew Estates
- Ballew Estates (Facebook)
My Other Internet Outlets
- Alignable: EcoC²S’s Profile
- Although Irucka Embry has a profile on LinkedIn, he is only active on Alignable.
- Openclipart: Irucka Embry — Artist
- ResearchGate: Irucka Embry’s Profile
- Irucka Embry: Former Adjunct Faculty in the Tennessee State University (TSU) Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (CAE). Also archived at https://archive.vn/feWJn
- Irucka Embry (iembry) GitLab project Repositories (includes all of the projects created by Irucka Embry at GitHub under iembry-USGS)
- One Stop Shop Services — Irucka Embry’s Other Businesses (Business Services, Travel Agent, Melaleuca, AmeriPlan, Financial Professional, Real Estate Wholesaler, etc.)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP)
- Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Life’s a Journey!!!! - Irucka Ajani Embry: The thoughts continue in a cyclic path…☺
- Hip Hop artist Vibration Kŏn’vûrt’ɛd [Kunvorted}
My Comments & Posts at Alignable
- Alignable Post: NEW MEMBER Greetings everyone, my name is Irucka Embry, EIT (Engineer-in-Training) and I am the Principal of EcoC²S. EcoC²S offers diverse…
- Alignable Post: Team Apple or Team Microsoft?
- Alignable Post: Do you have a personal code of ethics? If so, do you use the same code for your business? If so, do you have information about your ethical…
- Alignable Post: For businesses that offer products, during the product design conceptual or design phase, do you use Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) or some other…
- Alignable Post: Greetings everyone. For those people doing the technical side of business: What tool(s) do you use for data validation?
- Alignable Post: Greetings everyone, for those that perform technical calculations, how do you deal with fractions?
- Alignable Post: Hi everyone, what debt management strategies do you recommend to your clients, if any?
- Alignable Post: Greetings everyone. My name is Irucka Embry, and I am a Brand Partner for ZenDelivery, a food delivery service like DoorDash and UberEats. If you…
- Alignable: Hello community! I would love to buy from black businesses for this holiday season. Please comment with a quick description of the products you…
- Alignable: Hello Professionals, Introduce your business succinctly. There may be someone seeking the services you provide. Thank you.
- Alignable: Storytelling is the best way to get someone to care about your product or service.
- Alignable: Welcome to the BLEND TRAVEL AND FOOD Group! I am the new leader for this group and looking forward to knowing each and everyone of you, We’re so…
- Alignable: Hi everyone, I’m a Cancer Journey Coach who helps female and male cancer survivors to return to work, with confidence and empowerment. I’m looking…
- Alignable: What is your favorite quote? Mine is “NO Guts, NO Glory!” I use this in the context of starting a business - you need to have the guts to tough…
- Alignable: Hey, as a seasoned female holistic health coach, have you considered incorporating some fresh Fall fruit into your life? As you know, fruit is…
- Alignable: As a small business owner, do you sell products or services? Want more leads, sales and high ticket Clients? Download 100+ ChatGPT Prompts…
- Alignable: What’s your favorite way to de-stress after a long day at work, and how do you think incorporating wellness activities can improve our…
- Alignable: Community involvement is not just good for the soul, it’s great to give back! I recently received a call from our son’s little league asking if…
- Alignable: What are you thankful for?
- Alignable: Performance Coaching What type of coaching services do you offer? Learn what is performance coaching. https://studioassets.blob.core…
- Alignable: Hello Im looking to get information about Grant writers please reach out an be willing to explain details thanks
- Alignable: I have just survived a terrible problem with TSYS that is now Global Payments. I’ve taken credit card payments for years; have one terminal…very…
- Alignable: Dentists: What is fluoride? How is it important to oral health?: Please see the answer by Irucka Embry, EIT from EcoC²S. Also archived at https://archive.vn/H3ft7
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Ethics and Sustainable Business
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Sustainable Science Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Beyond Sustainability
- Foundation for Critical Thinking: Ethics Without Indoctrination by Richard Paul
- Foundation for Critical Thinking: Ethical Reasoning Essential to Education by Linda Elder and Richard PaulLinda Elder and Richard Paul, November 19, 2011
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Online Resources: Ethics & Integrity (Engineering, Scientific, and Social)
- Ethics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Utilitarianism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility
- Environmental ethics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Ethics Updates is designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors and their students. It is intended to provide resources and updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics.
- Indiana University: The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE)
- Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading journal covering the whole field of medical ethics, promoting ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice.
- Science and Engineering Ethics is an international multidisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring ethical issues associated with science and engineering, covering professional education, research and practice as well as the effects of technological innovations and research findings on society.
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Civil Engineering Source: 5 confounding civil engineering ethical dilemmas, 8/14/2024
- Science and Technology in Society: Professor Pamela E. Mack, Clemson University History Department
- Professional Ethics for Scientists: Annotated Bibliography for a Course in Ethics in Science at Towson University
- Science in Society Archive: the Institute of Science in Society
- Science in Society Archive: Science and Ethics
- Science in Society Archive: Science and Society
- Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP): Category: Medical Research Ethics
- Science in Society Archive: Towards a New Ethic of Science By Mae-Wan Ho - Institute of Science in Society and Biology Department, Open University, UK, 14/09/00
- David Suzuki Foundation: Reflections on a lifetime of scientific discovery By David Suzuki with contributions from Senior Editor and Writer Ian Hanington, February 8, 2024
- Personal Journey Through Genetics and Civil Rights By David Suzuki, Science, 18 Sep 1998, Vol 281, Issue 5384, pp. 1796-1797
- David Suzuki Foundation: Biotechnology: A Geneticist’s Personal Perspective by David Suzuki {Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine} — [Requires PDF Software]
- Bioethics: A Third World Issue
- Science in Society Archive: Science Advisors Abusing Public Trust: Scientific Committees advising the UK government are playing fast and loose with scientific evidence, abusing public trust, and in blatant violation of both good science and the precautionary principle, says Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.
- Science in Society Archive: Towards a Biospheric Ethic: Modern moral philosophers have tended to study ethics in a void, ignoring the insights of the natural and human sciences. Some eminent scholars have sought to put this right; but based their ethical principles on a grossly distorted view of nature and human society, resulting in a ‘technospheric’ ethic that seeks to equate progress and the moral good with economic expansion and the dominance of man over nature. A new ‘biospheric’ ethic is required to mediate sustainable human behaviour in relationship to society, the ecosystem, the biosphere and the cosmos itself. Edward Goldsmith (In fond memory) [ISIS Essay 31/08/09]
- Science in Society Archive: To Science with Love: How science and scientists can contribute to the sustainability agenda by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (Seminar on Responsibility and Education in a Risk Society, 16 April, 2002 London, organised by the government-funded Learning and Skills Development Agency, and intended for policy-makers and others responsible for post-16 education.)
- Science in Society Archive: Who Owns Scientific Knowledge?. Professor Peter Saunders calls on all scientists to resist the privatisation of scientific knowledge by refusing to publish in journals belonging to publishers profiteering from closing off free access to scientific archives.
- Engineering ethics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Citizen Engineer by David Douglas, Greg Papadopoulos, with John Boutelle
- G. Fred Lee and Associates EnviroQual
- Professor Sharon Beder’s Publications, University of Wollongong
- Eng-Tips Forums: Professional Ethics in engineering: Tragic Indifference
- Ethics Case Studies, Penn State University College of Engineering
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Civil Engineering Source: Move from public to private sector must be aboveboard By Tara Hoke
- Engineer Calcs: OceanGate Incident: Why Credentials Don’t Replace Critical Thinking, July 13, 2023
- Science in Society Archive: Volkswagen & Others Cheat Because Regulators Are Toothless and Worse: Volkswagen has been caught cheating on emissions by a civil society organisation; it is not the first time that the motor industry have cheated, nor is it only the motor industry that cheats. Regulators are simply not protecting public health and interest Prof Peter Saunders (ISIS Report 26/10/15)
- Ethics in Engineering and Technology: Two Case Studies by Alan R. Parkinson in Moral Foundations: Standing Firm in a World of Shifting Values, ed. Douglas E. Brinley, Perry W. Carter, and James K. Archibald, 2006, pages 23-32
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Life’s a Journey!!!! - Irucka Ajani Embry: The thoughts continue in a cyclic path…☺: What You Can Do To End Enslavement
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Grand Challenges for Engineering (rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our profession) by Irucka Embry, EIT; EcoC²S Principal: Information on Some Weapons of Mass Destruction to Renounce
- Los Alamos Study Group: Scientists’ and Engineers’ Pledge To Renounce Weapons of Mass Destruction
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN): How to stop nuclear weapons: take action now
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Code of Ethics for Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Code of Ethics
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Engineer’s Charter
- All Tech Considered: All Things Considered: NPR: Weighing The Good And The Bad Of Autonomous Killer Robots In Battle By Eyder Peralta, April 28, 2016
- All Tech Considered: Morning Edition: NPR: When Robots Can Kill, It’s Unclear Who Will Be To Blame By Steve Henn, March 21, 2014
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research: Ethical and Societal Implications of Advances in Militarily Significant Technologies that are Rapidly Changing and Increasingly Globally Accessible
- Science in Society Archive: The “Academic-Industrial-Military Complex” Engineering Life & Mind. The “academic-industrial-military complex” is shaping every aspect of our lives, beginning with the kind of science and scientific research that gets done and gets reported. We are not only losing our right to self-determination and self-sufficiency, but most seriously of all, our right to think differently from the corporate establishment. The suppression of scientific dissent threatens the survival of science and endangers lives. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Jonathan Matthews call for open debate on the scientific evidence of hazards inherent to genetic engineering. The future of food security and the survival of our planet are at stake.
- Combating Corruption in Engineering and Construction online petition
- This site is dedicated to socially responsible engineering. It is designed to complement the book Citizen Engineer with more dynamic content, including news, forums, and feedback.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare: Engineering Systems Division: Engineering Ethics (Spring 2006)
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research: Numerical & Design Problems With Ethical Content
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research: Making Connections: Engineering Ethics on the World Wide Web
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research: Professional Ethics in Engineering Practice: Discussion Cases Based on NSPE BER Cases
- Online Ethics Center (OEC) for Engineering and Research: Energy Ethics
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Engineering Ethics
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Board of Ethical Review Cases
- Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice: the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM) and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
- Engineering Ethics - Case Studies: Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz — [Requires PDF Software]
- Ethical Dilemmas, Cases, and Case Studies: University of Southern California (USC) Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Case Studies: Michigan Engineering
- The Center for Ethics at Vanderbilt
- The Center for Ethics at Vanderbilt Case Studies
- Engineering Ethics: Research Guides at Illinois Institute of Technology
- Cases - Engineering Ethics: Research Guides at Illinois Institute of Technology
- General Engineering Introduction/Case Studies: From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
- General Engineering Introduction/Philosophy: From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
- General Engineering Introduction/Standards: From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
- Engineering.com: Articles - Ethics Case Studies
- Engineering Ethics: Professor Pamela E. Mack, Clemson University History Department
- Engineering Ethics: Division of Technology, Culture, and Communication, University of Virginia
- Foundation for Critical Thinking: The Loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia: Portaging Leadership Lessons with a Critical Thinking Model by Robert J. Niewoehner, Captain, U.S. Navy, Ph.D. and Craig E. Steidle, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (ret.), U.S. Naval Academy
- Course No. LE3-001: Engineering Ethics Case Study: The Challenger Disaster by Mark Rossow, PhD, PE, Retired — [Requires PDF Software]
- Civil Engineering Seminar (CE 401): Richard Cheeks, Adjunct Professor, University of Kentucky
- Chemical Engineering World: Engineering Ethics 101 Videos, posted October 19, 2009
- Penn State College of Engineering Engineering Ethics Web Site
- Engineering Ethics by Ryan Carmichael, Swarthmore College, Department of Engineering
- Engineering Ethics, Environmental Justice and Environmental Impact Analysis: A Synergistic Approach to Improving Student Learning by Roger Painter, PhD, PE, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2012 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Ethics in Engineering Lecture 1/4 (Fall 2013): E 10 Introduction to Engineering, San Jose State University College of Engineering — [Requires presentation software (.ppt file)]
- Science in Society Archive: Nuclear Energy
- Ethics of nuclear power: nuclear-news
- Three Nuclear Disasters and a Hurricane: Some Reflections on Engineering Ethics by Michael Davis, Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy, 2012, Volume 4 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Fukushima Daiichi, Normal Accidents, and Moral Responsibility: Ethical Questions about Nuclear Energy by Benjamin Hale, Ethics, Policy and Environment, October 2011, Volume 14, Number 3 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Complex Organizational Failures: Culture, High Reliability, and the Lessons from Fukushima by Nick Pidgeon, National Academy of Engineering The Bridge on Social Sciences and Engineering Practice, 2012, Volume 42, Issue 3 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Engineering Ethics on Fukushima by Yusuke Kaneko, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, February 2013, Volume 3, Number 3 — [Requires PDF Software]
- The American Nuclear Society: Latest in Fukushima - What to Know, August 8, 2013
- The American Nuclear Society: California Health Officials Find “No Threat” from Fukushima Radioactivity, January 23, 2014
- Science in Society Archive: Fukushima Crisis Goes Global: Massive radioactive leaks continue from the badly damaged structures as the dangerous operation of moving spent fuel rods begins, and still greater challenges of decommissioning the meltdown reactors yet to come; international help is urgently needed to stem the ongoing release of deadly radioactive isotopes and remediate the badly contaminated environment Dr Mae Wan Ho (ISIS Report 06/01/14)
- The Government Accountability Project (GAP)
- Government Accountability Project (GAP): What is a Whistleblower?
- High Price Of Blowing The Whistle On EPA: WBUR & NPR, September 6, 2011
- Nice Guys Finish Last: Case Studies of Prominent Whistle Blowers: Richard Cheeks, Adjunct Professor, University of Kentucky
- Whistleblowers: Who’s the real bad guy? by Barbara Ettorre, Vol. 83, Management Review, 05-01-1994, pp 18
- NTEU (National Treasury Employees Union) Chapter 280: Why EPA Headquarters Union Of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation By Tim Healy
- Whistleblowing: What Have We Learned Since the Challenger? By Vivian Weil, Illinois Institute Of Technology
- Open Architecture Network: Community-focused design and construction
- Open Engineering: Environment and Development: A Proposal for a Shared Technology Database
- Open Source Engineering
- Sharon Beder. The New Engineer: Management and Professional Responsibility in a Changing World. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia, 1998.
- Richard Paul and Linda Elder. The Thinker’s Guide to Understanding the Foundations of Ethical Reasoning. Dillon Beach, CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2006.
Eco- refers to the shortened form of “ecological” whereby ecology refers to “The branch of biology dealing with the relationships of organisms with their environment and with each other.” For mySelf, I have defined ecological as the economic, environmental, and social (relationships) planes of our Collective Real-ity.
The ecology definition source is Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
For more insight into ecology, I want to share my collection of various links related to ecology: https://www.ecoccs.com/science-sustainability.html#eco
The most useful definitions of creative for defining my business name are: “Tending to create things, or having the ability to create; often, excellently, in a novel fashion, or any or all of these.” And “(of a created thing) Original, expressive and imaginative.”
The creative definition source is Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
EcoC²S is pronounced ˈiːˌkəʊ siː skwɛə(r)(ed) ɛs in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Sources (Wiktionary, the free dictionary): eco- c square S
I have a collection of various links related to systems thinking and other “new” ideas here: https://www.ecoccs.com/science-sustainability.html#newideas