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Edible & Medicinal Plants (Medical Herbs) and Medical/Healing/Remedy/Health Disclaimer Edible & Healing Plants (Healing Herbs) and Health/Healing Remedy Disclaimer

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The information provided on this Web page with regards to edible & medicinal plants (medical herbs) and medical/healing is provided for educational purposes only. The information provided through the various resources on this Web page are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It is not the intention of EcoC²S/Irucka Embry to advise on health care. Information anywhere on this site does not constitute medical advice. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns that you have.

These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. Information on this Web site is not to be treated as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider. If you are suffering from a medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. Never disregard, discontinue, or delay medical treatment or advice because of information on this Web site. Information on this Web site is not guaranteed to be accurate.

This information is intended as an introduction to edible & medicinal plants and how they can be used. I am not a medical professional and I cannot prescribe what edible and/or medicinal plants are right for you. I cannot answer medical questions so please do not ask me to tell you which edible plants to consume, eat, drink, use, etc.; to tell you which medicinal plants to consume, eat, drink, use, etc.; to prescribe herbal cures; to provide medical treatment; and/or to guess what is wrong with you.

If you use edible & medicinal plants, then please do so responsibly. It is important to know whether the edible plant can be eaten raw or cooked; which parts of the plant can and cannot be eaten; when can the plant be eaten (young, mature, old, spring, fall, summer, winter, etc.); etc. Consult your doctor about your health conditions and use of medicinal plant supplements (medical herbs). Medicinal plants (medical herbs) may be harmful if taken for the wrong conditions, used in excessive amounts, combined with prescription drugs or alcohol, and/or used by persons who don’t know what they are doing. Just because a medicinal plant (medical herb) is natural it does not mean it is safe! There are herbs that are poisonous such as Poison Hemlock, Jimson weed, and many more. {This disclaimer is based on the Alternative Nature Online Herbal Web site’s Disclaimer; Web site Disclaimer; and Coconut Oil Tips Web site Disclaimer}.


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“Another world is not only possible, she’s on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe.”

—Arundhati Roy, From a speech entitled Confronting Empire given at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil on 28 January 2003; Source: Wikiquote: Arundhati Roy; License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

“Why does this magnificent applied science which saves work and makes life easier bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it. In war it serves that we may poison and mutilate each other. In peace it has made our lives hurried and uncertain. Instead of freeing us in great measure from spiritually exhausting labor, it has made men into slaves of machinery, who for the most part complete their monotonous long day’s work with disgust and must continually tremble for their poor rations. … It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that your work may increase man’s blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours; concern for the great unsolved problems of the organization of labor and the distribution of goods in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.”

—Albert Einstein, From Speech to students at the California Institute of Technology, in “Einstein Sees Lack in Applying Science”, The New York Times (16 February 1931); Source: Wikiquote: Albert Einstein; License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

“Part of the difficulty is forming an intention that doesn’t interfere with the intention of the universal. In developing countries with a food shortage, scientists recently attempted to introduce “golden rice,” a genetically engineered variant that contains natural insecticides so that the rice grows abundantly. But there were problems. The genetically engineered rice doesn’t have natural odors that attract various insects important for maintaining and propagating the food chain. Ecologists fear that this rice might upset the local ecosystem, eventually disrupting the weather, which could have dire consequences for the entire planet. Constricted or local awareness, looking only at a particular situation, tries to solve it locally. Expanded awareness, the nonlocal “I,” looks at the relationships, the birds, the bees, the squirrels, the groundhogs, and the weather (there has to be a given population of trees and flora and fauna to enable a certain type of weather to arise). A good intention can backfire if the intent of the nonlocal “I” is ignored. The intricate bonds of interconnection require not only selflessness but coordination with all other individual “I”s that stem from the universal “I.” ”

—from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence By Deepak Chopra, page 113

“The cellularists, it is but fair to recall, regarding the cellule as the simplest anatomical element, believed it proceeded necessarily from a former cellule, omnis cellula e cellula, holding it to be the vital unit, living per se, and regarded an entire organism as the sum of these units. But we now know that that was a deduction from incomplete and superficial observations, for the cellule, a transitory anatomical element, has the microzyma for its anatomical element. It is this which alone possesses all the characters of an anatomical element, living per se, and which must be regarded as the unit of life. It is what I have already stated in the following terms:

“ “The microzyma is at the beginning and at the end of every living organization. It is the fundamental anatomical element whereby the cellules, the tissues, the organs, the whole, of an organism are constituted living.” ”

—from The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element By Antoine Béchamp, 1912 []

“And, in conclusion, I beg the permission of the Academy to repeat here something which Professor Estor and I said in a recent work upon this subject:

“ “After death (leaving here the domain of pathology to enter into that of the physiology of the species), it is essential that matter be restored to its primitive condition, for it has only been lent for a time to the living organized being. In recent years an extravagant role has been assigned to the airborn germs; the air may bring them, it is true, but it is not necessary that it should do so.”

“The microzymas, whether in the state of bacteria or not, are sufficient to assure by putrefaction the circulation of matter.

“The living being, filled with microzymas, carries in itself the elements essential for life, disease, death and destruction. And that this variety in results may not too much surprise us, the processes are the same. Our cellules, it is a matter of constant observation, are being continually destroyed by means of a fermentation very analogous to that which follows death. Penetrating into the heart of these phenomena we might really say, were it not for the offensiveness of the expression, that we are constantly rotting!”

—from The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element By Antoine Béchamp, 1912 []

“A deeply interesting tribute to his teaching by Lord Geddes may be found in a reprint of speeches in the House of Lords on February 2nd, 1944, on a motion standing in the name of Lord Teviot, asking whether the Royal Commission appointed to investigate the birth rate and trends of population would cover, in its terms of reference, the condition of the soil in relation to the health of man, animal and plant:

“Lord Portsmouth moved the motion in the absence through illness of Lord Teviot. Lord Glentanar and Lord Hankey supported the motion, as did Lord Geddes. Lord Geddes referred to the controversy regarding the food required and the use of chemical fertilizers. He said it goes back for nearly a century and has been made a very difficult controversy to follow by the dominance for so many years of the German school of biology.

“ ‘The German school — Virchow, Schwann, Liebig — laid the emphasis upon the cell out of which, in their millions, our bodies are created, and they regarded food for the cell as all that was required. Apart from that, and really obliterated and eclipsed by the German school, very likely as a result of the Franco-Prussian War and the prestige the Germans got through that war, there was a French school, of which Professor Béchamp was the leader, working at Montpellier in the ’fifties of last century. This school had a quite different idea about the structure of the body and the vitality and vigour of the body, and I think it was a great pity that, as a result of the Franco-Prussian War and various things that followed it in the 1870s, a great deal of the work of Professor Béchamp was entirely ignored and overlooked.’

“Lord Geddes then described the great contribution Professor Béchamp made, a contribution his lordship had been familiar with for over thirty years, to the whole idea of life, namely, that the cell is not the fundamental unit of life, but that there is a much smaller, more minute unit of life, which he called, in his later reports to the Academy of Science, the microzymas, but which in his earlier reports he always referred to as the ‘little bodies’.

“Lord Geddes showed how these little living bodies have the power of organising life, and he suggested that as they are not present in artificial chemical manures, the German school — which we have in this country largely followed in biology for many years — overlooked something of great importance; something which may be necessary for our human bodies, if they are to maintain their full vitality by receiving in their food a continuous supply of the little living bodies.

“Lord Geddes emphasised that there is a real divergence of opinion between two schools which have existed for a long time, one of which has become dominant and out of whose practice and beliefs the whole of the chemical industry has arisen and has been able to show results of the most remarkable kind in boosting production in the plant’s growth and those portions of the food that are required as fuels. But he suggested that the composters had got hold of the real source of vitality. The little bodies could be seen in drops of blood under a microscope, and during the course of that week he had examined a great many and had seen most extraordinary differences between people fed in different ways and in different states of health.

“He proposed that the research that was needed was investigation of the question: Is the supply of these little living bodies in the food essential to the continued vitality of human beings, or is it not?

“He thought there was the possibility — many think the extreme probability — that the presence of these little living bodies in the food is essential to health.

“He went on to describe how these little bodies are found in the most antique remnants of life, and how they can start organisation in a sugar solution that is sterile and dead; and concluded by saying that the problem could best be answered with a combination of research by the Agricultural Research Council, and of observation carefully conducted and carefully checked by way of studies of groups of people fed on different diets.” ”

—from Béchamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology By Ethel D. Hume [Prefaced by Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter: The Germ Theory Exploded By R. B. Pearson], ISBN 978-1-46790-012-6, Pages 258-260

“Soil is the natural medium for the growth of plants. Although most soil is produced from weathered rocks, the rain and the sun have changed them greatly. Of still more importance are those changes made by the plants themselves. Thus soil is made through the influence of both physical and biological forces. It is especially the biological forces that give those characteristics to a soil or landscape that are most important to man. Essentially, all life depends upon the soil, and its important functional attribute, productivity for plants, is due more than to anything else to the operation of biological forces, particularly vegetation. There can be no life without soil and no soil without life: they have evolved together.” [my emphasis]

—Charles E. Kellogg, From Soils & Men: {U.S. Department of Agriculture} Yearbook of Agriculture 1938, 75th Congress, 2d Session — House Document No. 398, page 864 [Internet Archive]

“Up till recent times the production of food has been the prime struggle of man. That war is won. There is no doubt that the civilized races can produce or procure all the food they require. Indeed some of the problems which vex us today are due to the production of wheat by white men having exceeded their own needs, before yellow men, brown men and black men have learnt to demand and become able to purchase a diet superior to rice. But food is at present obtained almost entirely from the energy of the sunlight. The radiation from the sun produces from the carbonic acid in the air more or less complicated carbon compounds which give us our plants and vegetables. We use the latent chemical energy of these to keep our bodies warm; we convert it into muscular effort. We employ it in the complicated processes of digestion to repair and replace the wasted cells of our bodies. Many people, of course, prefer food in what the vegetarians call ‘the secondhand form’, i.e. after it has been digested and converted into meat for us by domestic animals kept for this purpose. In all these processes, however, ninety-nine parts of the solar energy are wasted for every part used.”

“Even without the new sources of power great improvements are probable here. Microbes, which at present convert the nitrogen of the air into the proteins by which animals live, will be fostered and made to work under controlled conditions, just as yeast is now. New strains of microbes will be developed and made to do a great deal of our chemistry for us. With a greater knowledge of what are called hormones, i.e. the chemical messengers in our blood, it will be possible to control growth. We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium. Synthetic food will, of course, also be used in the future. Nor need the pleasures of the table be banished. That gloomy Utopia of tabloid meals need never be invaded. The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation.”

“If the gigantic new sources of power become available, food will be produced without recourse to sunlight. Vast cellars in which artificial radiation is generated may replace the cornfields or potato-patches of the world. Parks and gardens will cover our pastures and ploughed fields. When the time comes there will be plenty of room for the cities to spread themselves again.”

“But equally startling developments lie already just beyond our finger-tips in the breeding of human beings and the shaping of human nature. It used to be said, ‘Though you have taught the dog more tricks, you cannot alter the breed of the dog.’ But that is no longer true. A few years ago London was surprised by a play called Rossum’s Universal Robots. The production of such beings may well be possible within fifty years. They will not be made, but grown under glass. There seems little doubt that it will be possible to carry out in artificial surroundings the entire cycle which now leads to the birth of a child. Interference with the mental development of such beings, expert suggestion and treatment in the earlier years, would produce beings specialized to thought or toil. The production of creatures, for instance, which have admirable physical development, with their mental endowment stunted in particular directions, is almost within the range of human power. A being might be produced capable of tending a machine but without other ambitions. Our minds recoil from such fearful eventualities, and the laws of a Christian civilization will prevent them. But might not lop-sided creatures of this type fit in well with the Communist doctrines of Russia? Might not the Union of Soviet Republics armed with all the power of science find it in harmony with all their aims to produce a race adapted to mechanical tasks and with no other ideas but to obey the Communist State? The present nature of man is tough and resilient. It casts up its sparks of genius in the darkest and most unexpected places. But Robots could be made to fit the grisly theories of Communism. There is nothing in the philosophy of Communists to prevent their creation.”

—Winston Churchill, From America’s National Churchill Museum: Fifty Years Hence, 1931, December 1931, Originally published in Strand Magazine

… “I’ve taken the trouble to recount my experience in detail for two reasons. Obviously, I want to tell people about it because it makes me furious. More important, I want the general public to know that science isn’t run the way they read about it in the newspapers and magazines. I want lay people to understand that they cannot automatically accept scientists’ pronouncements at face value, for too often they’re self-serving and misleading. I want our citizens, nonscientists as well as investigators, to work to change the way research is administered. The way it’s currently funded and evaluated, we’re learning more and more about less and less, and science is becoming our enemy instead of our friend.”

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life By Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden. William Morrow & Company, 1998. ISBN# 978-0-688-06971-1. Page 347.

… “But what all of these studies fail to do is to look for the cause of the problem in order to find the solution. In fact, I would say that in most of the thousands of scientific studies I have looked at, this is a recurring problem. Science is always looking to put a plaster over the problem and fix it that way, mostly via drugs, rather than looking for the root cause.”

Blinded by Science By Matthew Silverstone. Lloyd’s World Publishing, 2011. ISBN# 978-0-9568656-0-1. Page 113.

“Regardless of his bitter battles with the scientific community, [Viktor] Schauberger believed in the scientific method. He experimented on liquids and gases in a small laboratory he set up. His aim however, was to develop a science which actually worked [on principles opposite to the orthodox viewpoint]. “Humanity has committed a great crime by ignoring the use of cycloidal motion of water,” he said. For example, the current water-pumping devices were not only uneconomical, he said, “they cause water to degenerate by depriving it of its biological values.”

Attempts to explain connections between cycloidal motion and levitation to a scientist are useless, Schauberger said bitterly. Nor are world leaders any help “because they lean on the ignorance of the masses, including the scientists, as well as … current physical laws, to safeguard their vested interests and positions.”

Conventional energy conversion—burning of fossil fuels or atom-splitting—turns order into chaos. Schauberger proposed processes which would add order and energy to substances such as water, instead of destroying it, while generating useful electric power.”

—“The Burial of Living Technology” by Jeane Manning, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Page 199.

“The work was based on Schauberger’s discovery of how to develop a low-pressure zone at the atomic level. This had happened in seconds when his laboratory device whirled air or water “radially and axially” at a falling temperature. He referred to the resulting force as diamagnetic levitation power. He emphasized that nature uses indirect—what Schauberger called reactionary—suction force.

He insisted that the technical team from the concentration camp be treated as free me would. After their research headquarters was bombed, they were transferred to Leonstein and started a flying disc project to be powered with his trout-inspired turbine which rotated air into a twisting type of oscillation resulting in a buildup of immense power causing levitation. A small model which crashed against the ceiling glowed blue-green at first as it rose, then trailed a silvery glow.

According to researcher Norbert Harthun, his devices were no more than laboratory models by the end of the War. However, the American military officers who showed up a few days after the model hit the ceiling seemed to know what he was doing. They seized everything. He was interrogated by a high-ranking officer, and put in “protective custody” for six months. The officers also heavily questioned his helpers. Russian members of the team later returned to the Soviet Union.

Alexandersson’s book quotes a letter from Schauberger saying he was confined by the occupying forces for nearly a year because of his knowledge of atomic energy (even though his research was directed toward implosion—which was labelled fusion—rather than toward the destructive fission approach to the atom).”

—“The Burial of Living Technology” by Jeane Manning, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 200-201.

“Bitter about the effects of both the chemical industry and deforestation upon agriculture, he stated, “The farmers work hand-in-hand with our foresters. The blood of the earth continuously weakens, and the productivity of the soil decreases.”

When forests can no longer nurture water sources which supply vitality, then farmland downstream cannot build up a voltage in the ground which is necessary for keeping parasitic bacteria in balance, he observed. Noticing that soil dried out after being ploughed with iron ploughs, he built copper-plated ploughs. The ploughs successfully increased crops, but the greed of special-interest groups stopped the venture.”

—“The Burial of Living Technology” by Jeane Manning, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 201-202.

“The electrostatic charges ‘carried around’ are currents between atoms and the ether, which produce magnetism. The phenomena of ‘permanent magnetism’ or ‘cosmically induced’ magnetism are apparently due to electrostatic charges ‘carried around’ by cosmic molecular motion, in the universal ether field. Since no one can hold atoms, electrons or molecules perfectly still—because they are in fantastic motion—all atoms and molecules carry currents producing magnetic fields. Since a magnetic field is the product of a current, no one can produce a magnetic field without electricity, moving through or along a conductor, or as electrostatic charges in local or cosmic motion.”

—William Lyne. Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s “Ideal Flying Machine” and the Conspiracy to Conceal It. 3rd Revised Edition. Creatopia™: Lamy, New Mexico, 2010, Pages 12, 78.

Furthermore, Nikola Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity declares that the electromagnetic force production phenomenon is the most important in the Universe. “He stated that mechanical motions are universally a result of the electromagnetic force acting upon and through media. Tesla’s idea was that gravity is the result of displacement of two polarized dielectrics, the aether from the outside and the mass from the inside of a planet. The gravity force comes from the outside as a push of the aether and not as a pull from the center of the mass.”

—Jovan Marjanovic. Basic Principles of Over Unity Electromagnetic Machines: A Scientific View into the World of Free Energy from Electric Charges and Magnetic Fields. First Edition. Veljko Milković Research & Development Center: Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011. ISBN# 978-86-88-88301-6. Page 67,

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson, From Fortune of the Republic (1878); Source: Wikiquote: Ralph Waldo Emerson; License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

“The role of deficiency in causing disease is carried a step further by Dr. Max Gerson in his text for doctors, A Cancer Therapy—The Results of Fifty Cases. He exposes the depletion of farm soil from chemical fertilization as early as the 1930s and concludes that the depletion subsequentially affects nutritional levels in the plants growing in depleted soil.”

—“Does Medicine Have a Bad Attitude?” by James P. Carter, which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 11.

“[Dr. Julius] Hensel was the first to put up a fight against the then-growing new chemical fertilizer industry—a struggle that was continued in the next century by Sir William Howard in England and J. I. Rodale in America. The use of chemical fertilizers, claimed Hensel, leads to the following evil consequences:

  1. It poisons the soil, destroying beneficial soil bacteria, earthworms and humus*. [* Decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants.]

  2. It creates unhealthy, unbalanced, mineral-deficient plants, lacking resistance to disease and insect pests, thus leading to the spraying menace in an effort to preserve these defective specimens.

  3. It leads to diseases among animals and men who feed on these abnormal plants and their products.

  4. It leads to a tremendous expense to the farmer, because chemical fertilizers, being extremely soluble, are quickly washed from the soil by rainfall and needs constant replacement. (Powdered rocks, on the other hand, being less soluble, are not so easily washed from the soil, but keep releasing minerals to it for many years).”

—“Introduction to Bread From Stones” — [Requires PDF Software] by Dr. Raymond Bernard (A.B., M.N., Ph.D.), which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 229-230.

“Practical experience with Hensel’s Stone Meal and his non-animal method of soil regeneration, has proven the following:

  1. That Stone Meal creates healthier, tastier, more vitaminized and mineralized foods.

  2. That Stone Meal creates immunity to insect infestation, worms, fungi and plant diseases of all kinds.

  3. That Stone Meal improves the keeping and shipping quality of foods, so that they keep a long time, in contrast to the rapid deterioration of foods given abundant animal manure.

  4. That Stone Meal helps plants to resist drought and frost, enabling them to survive when those fed on manure and chemicals perish.

  5. That Stone Meal produces larger crops which are more profitable because the farmer is saved the expense of buying chemical fertilizers which are rapidly leached from the soil by rainfall, whereas Stone Meal, being less soluble, is gradually released during the course of years and remain in the soil, being the most economical of fertilizers.

  6. That foods raised with Stone Meal are better for human health and the prevention of disease than those grown with chemicals or animal manure.

  7. That use of Stone Meal, in place of chemical or animal fertilizers, helps to end the spraying menace (by removing the cause) is proven by the fact that plants and trees grown with Stone Meal are immune to pests and so require no spraying.”

—“Introduction to Bread From Stones” — [Requires PDF Software] by Dr. Raymond Bernard (A.B., M.N., Ph.D.), which appeared in Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries: Revealing the World’s Greatest Secrets of Science and Medicine by Jonathan Eisen. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN# 0-89529-809-0. Pages 231-232.

“Have your garden as rich as possible. Your plants will then be more apt to overcome the attacks of insects and any other enemy which come upon them.”

—Dr. George W. Carver, The Forage Crop — [Requires PDF Software], Farmer’s Leaflet no. 9 (Tuskegee Institute, September 1902), TIA, 46, 487 [As quoted in United States (US) Department of the Interior (DOI) National Park Service (NPS) George Washington Carver National Monument: George Washington Carver: For His Time and Ours: Special History Study: Natural History Related to George Washington Carver National Monument Diamond, Missouri

“Insect Attacks

“These can occur for similar reasons to diseases—either imbalances, deficiencies or both. Phil Callahan, an entomologist working for the USDA, documented many cases where insects are attracted to plants that give off energy in the infrared under stress. He found that insect antennae picked up infrared emissions from plants and homed in on these plants from considerable distances. Pesticides can kill the insects, but they don’t address why the insects show up.

“Usually insects attack plants that are low in energy, lack complexity and are easy to eat.”

Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond: Growing Plentiful, Vital Food By Hugh Lovel. Quantum Agriculture Publishers, 2014. ISBN# 978-0-692-28026-3. Pages 138.

“From extensive tests by the USDA, it has been observed that plants with excess potassium and phosphorus [Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium — NPK fertilizer] are more prone to aphid and mite attack, while pest numbers increase more rapidly on overfed plants.” [my insertion]

—Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, Homeopathy for Farm and Garden: The Homeopathic Treatment of Plants: Plant and Soil Problems and Their Remedies, page 178

“Monsanto is the world’s largest seed company and many are concerned. Troy Roush says, “They are in the process of owning food, all food.” Paraguayan farmer Jorge Galeano says, “Its objective is to control all of the world’s food production.” Renowned Indian physicist and community organizer Vandana Shiva says, “If they control seed, they control food; they know it, it’s strategic. It’s more powerful than bombs; it’s more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world.” ”

—Troy Roush, Vandana Shiva, and documentary film narrator, Quotes are from The World According to Monsanto. The quote previously was found online at

Irucka Embry’s Collection of Internet Resources

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What Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Synthetic “Biology,” Cloning, Nanotechnology, High-Technology (High Tech), Conventional Renewable Energy Technologies (“Solar,” Geothermal, Wind, etc.), and Related Technologies are missing

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Earth’s Magnetic Fields (including Geopathic Stress)

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Positive Applications of Magnetism and ElectroMagnetism

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Energies and Plant Growth

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Negative Effects of High-Technology (High Tech)

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ElectroMagnetism and Adverse Health Effects

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ElectroMagnetism and Adverse Health Effects on Life Systems

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Microwave Radiation

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Smart (Bed, Cards, Cars, Clothing, Cities, Dust, Grid, Houses, Light Bulbs, Phones, Meters, Radios, Television/TV {Boob Tubes}, Toilet, Transportation [Intelligent Transportation Systems {ITS}], Walls, Watches, etc.) Or How to Control Your Mind & Dumb Us Down While Stealing Your Privacy, Selling Your Personal Information (Data), and Kill You and Others at the Same Time

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Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs and Mercury

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Light Emitting Diode (LED) Light Bulbs

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Industrial or Toxic Chemical-Based Agriculture and Factory-Farming (the “Green Revolution”) Death Agriculture

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Biotechnology definition:

1. the use of living organisms (especially microorganisms) in industrial, agricultural, medical and other technological applications

2. the application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences

(Source: Wiktionary, the free dictionary, Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details.

Genetic Engineering

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“PharmaCrops” & “PharmaAnimals” (“Edible” Transgenic Vaccines)

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Genetic Pollution/Gene Flow

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Genetically Engineered (GE)/Bioengineered “Foods,” Genetically Modified (GM) “Food crops,” Bioengineered “Food crops,” Genetically Engineered (GE) Grass, Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)/Transgenic Organisms/Cisgenic Organisms/Intragenic Organisms

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Impacts of Industrial Agriculture [petrochemical (bio)pesticides, genetic engineering (ge), monocultures, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), etc.] Death Agriculture

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Genetically Engineered (GE)/Genetically Modified (GM) Animals (including, but not limited to, Bugs, Cows, Fish, Insects, and Human Beings) & the Trans Agendas

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Gene Editing Using Gene Drives

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Synthetic “Biology” (“Precision Fermentation” / Extreme Genetic Engineering) as an Extension of Laboratory Created “Foods” on the road to Artificial Intelligence (AI)-concocted nutrient pills for Synthetic “Biological Beings”

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Nano(bio)technology, including nanorobots

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Cloning (Human Animal and non-Human Animal)

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Petrochemical (Bio)Pesticides

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Altering the chemical structure of food

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Food Chemistry

Chemical Substances in Food (Additives)

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Food Processing

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Food Irradiation

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Positive Agricultural Paradigms (Alternatives to Industrial Agriculture and its major units: Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, and Industrial/Factory Farming Death Agriculture)

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Freeing and Opening Gardeners and Farmers & Others with an Interest in the Animal & Plant Kingdoms

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Freeing and Opening Cooking

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House Plants

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Vegetation “Dis-ease” & Pest Management

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Pollination & Pollinators

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Xerces Society Blog: Leave the Leaves! By Justin Wheeler on 6 October 2017

Seed Exchange & Preservation (Seed saving, Seed sharing/swapping)

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United Plant Savers

Biodynamic, Ecological, Natural & Organic Seed & Plant Suppliers [Non-GMO, Open-Pollinated, Heirloom, Traditional, Rare, Hybrid, Non-Hybrid, etc.]

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Native Vegetation Information & Plant Sources (Seeds and Plant Nurseries)

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Heritage, Heirloom and Traditional Breeds (Vegetation and Non-Human Animals)

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Food Security & Sovereignty

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Companion Planting

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Bio(logical) and Epigentic Diversity

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Food Not Lawns

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Perennial Agriculture/(Edible) Perennials

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Edible & Medicinal Plants for “Wildin’ Out” Edible & Healing Plants and Mushrooms for “Wildin’ Out”

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Please see the disclaimer

United Plant Savers


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Agroecology, Forest Gardening (“Permaculture Gardening”) & Agroforestry

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Agriculture Certifications

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Sustainable Agriculture

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Genetic Engineering (GE) versus Organic Agriculture

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Organic Agriculture

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Beyond Organic Agriculture to Authentic Organic Agriculture, Regenerative Agriculture, and Beyond

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Vedic Organic Agriculture

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Biodynamic & Homeodynamic Agriculture/Agrohomeopathy

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